Proverbs 22:6

We are fortunate enough to be blessed with 3 wonderful little boys: Jay, Cody, and Riley. We always say that we're not just raising boys, but we are raising husbands. This blog is for them.

Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Orchestra Masters - Cody and Riley

Riley and Cody leading the "Orchestra".  This is actually some sort of singing Christmas ornament, but they pretend to be the Orchestra leaders.  Too Funny!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

GA Aquarium

Today, we went to the GA Aquarium with Aunt Melissa, Uncle Mark, Travis, and Macey.  It is the largest aquarium in the world!!  It was mommy and daddy's first time at it, but you boys had been once before with Yaya and PawPaw.  The whale sharks were MASSIVE!!  I'm glad that they couldn't get out of that tank!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day at Sell's Mill Park

Boys, we decided to take today and explore some of Jackson County that we had never seen.  Sell's Mill Park is not very far from the house, and we rode over there today.  They have a big waterfall that you see in the pictures.  We also took Biscuit, and I wish that I had gotten a picture of him in front of the "no pets" sign.  You boys had fun climbing on all the rocks and playing in the water!

Monday, November 9, 2009


Well, boys, we finally gave in and got us a pet. We had been waiting on getting you a dog until we thought that you were old enough to understand that having a pet is a responsibility to be shared by the whole family...not just mommy. A few weeks ago, we doggie-sat for Mrs Wyndie. We kept Bob while they went out of town. Bob is a great dog!! After Bob left and went back home, I started looking for us a doggie sort of like him. I wanted to get us a dog that was already house trained and one that would not shed a bunch of hair. I found us 3 year old Shih Tzu online and we went and picked him up this past weekend. His name is Biscuit, and so far he is a pretty good dog. When we got him, he was full of long, shaggy hair. The first thing we did was take him and get him cut and cleaned up. He was not used to getting a lot of attention, so he is still getting used to us. We are trying to teach him to play with balls and toys, but he hasn't really caught on yet....but if he hangs around here,then he's gonna have to step it up. He is mommy's shadow..he follows here everywhere. He stays underneath us when we are at the dinner table. He already knows that Cody is the one that makes the biggest messes, so he stays underneath him the most. I hope that we can get lots of love and enjoyment out of Biscuit. It has been a really long time since I've had a pet, but when I was a little boy, I enjoyed having a family dog. I love you, boys!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Jays 10th birthday

I dont even know how to start to tell you how much loving you and having you as my son has changed my life. Infact I feel like YOU gave me life......I remember the 1st night in the hospital....Daddy was beside me on a cot.....snoring away(we had labored all night the night before) you were in your bed, there was the 3 of us all lined up next to each other. And I remember thinking that I should move your bed cause it was near the door and our room was right outside the elevator(like someone was going to steal you) anyways I got out of bed(not an easy task) and moved your bed in between me and daddy. And I just stood there n looked at you...and it HIT me then....that you were ours....that I was your Mommy...that God choose us to raise you, to protect you, to guide and love you. In that moment , staring into your precious face I was overwhelmed and consumed with more Love then anything I had ever felt in my whole life. I felt whole and complete...I knew what it meant to say that you would die for somebody....and 10 years later as I look into your Baugh Blue eyes I still feel all those things I felt that night and more......I could have not SEEN then what I FEEL heart only held a glimpse of my love for you. You are the sweetest child ever.....your heart and love and compassion for people amazes me. Your spiritual maturity is a gift from God and I pray everyday that we guide you to use that in the very best way.....that we help you see HIS plan for your life. I know it is a amazing one and I am honored to be a part of it. I am blessed to be your Mom......this I know.....and I LOVE being your Mom....this I hope that YOU know..... You are outgrowing me are over 5ft weigh 115 lbs and your ring finger and wrists are already bigger then mine.....I can wear your shoes and am pretty sure that they will be too big for me in the next year. But, I know that no matter how big you get that you will always be my baby, my firstborn son....who loved to sleep on his Daddys chest and play with my hair(even put it between your boppy n face) like I told you...IF I close my heart can see your whole life. I love you Jay Tyler~ Love Mom

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Stone Mountain

Today we went to Stone Mountain Park. It was the first time that Cody and Riley had ever been, and only the 2nd time for Jay (we had taken him to the lasershow years before). We got to the park ad had some lunch at the Honeybaked Ham Restaurant (it was not good at all). Then the fun started. Our first stop was Sky Hike. It was a bunch of ropes, balance beams, etc way up in the air. Cody stopped after the first obstacle, and mom and him went back down to the ground. Me, Jay, and Riley stayed and finished the first level. Then we went to a smaller version and the boys climbed over obstacles and rode a zip line. Next we went to the Great Barn. There were hundreds of balls, and the boys gathered them up and fed them into air guns and shot them. There were also slides and rope ladders. THen we went to Journey to the Center of the Earth 4D movie. Vibrating seats and actual water splashing on us made it 4D. It was pretty good. THen came the REAL fun stuff. We rode the Ducks. The Ducks are buses that drive on the road and then run right into the water and drive like boats. We had the craziest driver who kept on singing funny songs and dancing during the whole trip. We all got duck whistles that made quacking sounds when you blew into them. Jay and Riley even got to go up and drive the Duck when we got in the water!!! The Ducks were a lot of fun!! After the Ducks, we walked over to the base of the mountain and got on the Sky Ride. It is a cable car that takes you to the very top of Stone Mountain...1683 feet above sea level. We walked all around on top of the rock and took lots of good could see all of the skyscrapers in Atlanta from the top of the mountain. After a while, we rode the cable car back to the bottom, and we finished out our day with a round of mini golf. It was a GREAT family day!! Just spending time with the boys when they are still young is truly a blessing. I hope that the boys had as much fun as I did today!!

Click here to see our Stone Mountain pictures

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Panama City Beach

Boys, what a great time we had at Panama City Beach this week!!! One of my customers let us stay in their condo, and it was awesome!! Uncle Joseph and Aunt Kim came down and spent the last 2 days of our trip with us, too. We had so much fun! You boys loved the beach and the ocean. You built some monster sand castles, and we buried eath other in the sand. We got some boogie boards and went out and rode the waves. We went out so far that it scared mommy. Those waves were crashing into us so hard that it was knocking us over! We went and rode go karts. Jay had the fastest cart, so he was the winner....Riley and Daddy rode together, and Cody and Mommy rode together. We went to play putt putt, and we went to the arcade to play the video games. We went to Pier Park, and you boys had a great time. You each got hooked up to the bungee cords and jumped way up in the air on the little tramplines. Riley was turning flips like crazy!! They had palm trees that you were able to climb, and when you got to the top you could hit a button to make a siren go off. We ate at Red Robin, and we got ice cream at Kilwins. But the highlight of our trip was the Sea Dragon Pirate Cruise. We got on the pirate ship captained by Fearless Phil and his band of Pirates. You boys had a time!! You had water gun fights, sword fights, swabbed the deck, got tattoos, shot cannons, chicken danced, limboed, danced a conga line, and we saw a bunch of dolphins. You went down to the bottom deck of the ship and heard a story about buried treasure, and then came back up to the top and found te buoy that marked the spot for it. You pulled the treasure chest up from the bottom of the ocean, and got prizes out of it. It was so much fun!! Me and Mommy had so much fun watching you boys enjoying yourselves. We can't wait for our next vacation!!!

Click here to see all of our PCB 2009 pictures

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Random photos

Boys, this is just a fun blog. Everytime that I see something that has one of your names in it, I try to snap a picture of it. Because when I see something with your name on it, I think about you! The first picture is of "Baugh Ave" anda co-worker sent me this picture. It is somewhere in the Kansas City / St Louis area. The next two pictures are of cars that I have passed on the road. One has a liscense plate that says "ILUVJT", and the other picute is of a truck from "Cody Express". I love ya'll, daddy!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day 2009

Boys, I continue to just be amazed that God has blessed me so much. I can promise you that I did not deserve the life that I have been given....I deserved so much less. I can honestly, without a shadow of a doubt, say that my life is a God-given gift. I am so honored and so proud to be your daddy. I take that responsibility more serious than just about anything in the world. God has entrusted your Mommy and I with your safety, and He has given us the responsibility of raising you. That responsibility is huge!! You 3 boys bring JOY to me...not happiness, not cheerfullness....JOY! Joy is so much better than happy....just think about it, you can be unhappy, but you cannot be unjoy. I love so much being your daddy...just the little things like sneaking off with Jay and getting a biscuit in the mornings, or putting Jay and Riley in bed and then fighting in the floor with Cody, or being Riley's tennis partner on the Wii. I love having secret handshakes with each of you. I am still in awe sometimes when I look at each of you and think that you are each a little piece of me. It just is an unbelieveable feeling to know that I have 3 best friends for the rest of my life. I love you, boys, and I pray that we have many more Father's Days to spend together. I pray that we can spend Father's Days with your children, and even your children's children. There is no greater feeling than being a daddy, and I thank all 3 of you for being the very best little boys in the world. I love you so much! Love, Daddy

Saturday, June 20, 2009

All Pro Dad Day at UGA

Boys, today we had us a boys day out. We went down to UGA to the Father and Kids Experience sponsored by All Pro Dad. APD is an organization that was founded by Tony Dungy, who was a Super Bowl winning coach in the NFL (He coached in Tampa Bay and in Indianapolis). He is a very strong Christian man and has very high moral values. He is a role model type man. He has always spoken highly of the father's role as the leader of his family, but after a tragedy in his own family, he is even more outspoken about it. He started All Pro Dad as a tool for fathers to become more involved in their childrens' lives. His website, , has a daily message that it emails out, and I have been getting it for a little over a month now. It has really impacted the way that I look at things as a father. All Pro Dad has now started sponsoring / hosting these Father and Kid Experiences throughout the country. Up until now, they had only been held at professional sports teams complexes. Today was the first one to be held at a college. Tony Dungy picked Mark Richt (another role model type man) and UGA to be the first college to host his event. The purpose of the event is to get dads and their kids out of the house and spending time together. They brought in football coaches from a local high school to conduct drills with us. They had inflatable jumpy things to play on, and we got us a lot of free stuff, too....balls, cups, coupons, etc. But, the main thing was us just getting together as men and doing "guy stuff". I am so looking forward to the day where you boys and me can just get up in the morning and do our "guy stuff" all day long. I love to just hang out with ya'll. But, I am a real fan of Tony Dungy, Mark Richt, and the whole All Pro Dad concept. Dads are the backbone of the family, and I pray that I can be the very best dad to you boys that I can be. I love you!

Click here to see our All-Pro Dad Day pictures

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

VBS 2009 - Crocodile Dock

Tonight ended our VBS at church this year. The theme was Crocodile Dock, and you boys had so much fun. Mommy was the crew leader in Riley's class, and Daddy worked outside at the Suprise Station. On night 1, you learned about Moses and the burning bush. Night 2 was about the 10 plagues, and night 3 was about Moses leading God's people out of Egypt and parting the Red Sea. You all liked the Surprise Station tonight because you got soaking wet!!! Mommy and Daddy are so blessed and so proud to have such wonderful boys as the 3 of you are.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Boys Weekend


Today Mommy, Aunt Van, Taylor, and Grammy left at about 5:30am to go to Florida to watch Aunt Kim's White Coat Ceremony, and they left us boys here at the house by ourselves. What fun!!! Already today I have gotten my first experience at cooking chocolate chip pancakes....and if I have to say so myself, they looked pretty good. We went swimming, but got ran off by a thunderstorm. You boys decided that you wanted to eat Chic Fil-A for dinner (excellent choice) we had chicken and ice cream. Then we decided that we wanted to pop some popcorn the old fashioned way...on the stove. So, we stopped by the store and got some popcorn and oil. We got back home, went swimming again, and then popped the corn. The 3 of you were AMAZED at watching the popcorn pop. It wasn't very good eating it, though, because we didn't get any seasoning for it. But, I think that, all in all, we boys have had an outstanding day....AND we get to do it all again tomorrow!! I love you, boys, and I am so blessed to be your Daddy.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Just because

Most of our other posts come from a special occaison or event in our life and that is why your Dad created this, but tonight I was catching up on my blogs and I looked up on the TV and saw your Daddys bible...and it moved me to tell you boys about how God is growing your Daddy.. Daddy gets up early every day for his drive to work(Atlanta) but, recently has started gettin up @ 5:30 to have some "quiet time" with God....reading his bible and praying. I dont know what he prays about/for or even what he is reading, but I do know this.....I know that He is growing in Gods word, you can see it IN him, I know that when he prays it is for us in some way, I can feel it. I know that God is planting a seed in him, and we will benefit from it. I know that the closer HE grows to Him, the closer WE will grow to Him. Before we had you boys he always would say that he hopes when yall get married that yall will choose him to be your best-man, and I know that you will.....cause in your lives he will always be your BEST MAN!! I know that each of you will be great Godly men, cause you will be led by one....and even if he sings too much and pops gum to loud....he loves the Lord, you boys and me.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

I just want to tell you how blessed that you are to have such a geat Mommy. I have never seen another woman in the world be so selfless. Your Mommy ALWAYS puts you (and me) before herself. She makes sure she you boys want for nothing. From the smallest thing to the biggest. From the hearts that say "I Love You" that she draws on the napkin in your lunchboxes, to the times she whispers to each of you individually "you know that YOU are my favorite, but don't tell your brothers." She makes each of you know that you are loved unconditionally....everyday. She just oozes motherhood and love for you 3 boys, and my prayer for you is that one day you will realize just how fortunate you are. I pray that each of you find wives that are EXACTLY like your mother, and I pray that she makes you as happy as your mother has made me. I love you, boys! Love Daddy.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Game Ball

Today at Jay's baseball game, he was awarded the game ball and got the player of the game award from his coach. He gets a free kids meal from Beef O'Bradys. Jay had been struggling to hit the ball in every game so far. He hits good in practice, but he couldn't carry it over to the game. But, today, he came up to bat for the 2nd time with his team up 4-1 and runners on 1st and 2nd and 2 outs. He took 3 straight balls, then he fouled off a pitch, then he hit a ROCKET to between shortstop and 3rd base. He made it to 1st base, and the runner from 2nd made it home. 1st hit and 1st RBI of the year!!! Great Job, JJ!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Birthday, Riley!

Happy 5th Birthday, Riley!!
I can not believe that you are 5, it really seems like just yesterday that the Drs. did not even think that you would live, It is not something that a lot of people know....but YOU are truly a miracle baby, when you get older we will tell you the two stories that prove it. As for now I just wanted to take this time to tell you how much you complete our family, you make us LAUGH all the time, you can dance and do just about anything in this world. You may be small in size but you have a huge personality. I am so happy that I decided to keep you at home this last year with me instead of MMO, it truly has bonded us. I can not tell you what it does to my heart when I hear you say that you love me, see you are a Daddys boy from day one and you were slow to warm up to me but, now that you have I melt when you cuddle or snug up with me. you want your Daddy to put you to bed but, you always want a "scratch back" from me....Riley, YOU are the baby that I did Not even know that I wanted.....I thought that our family was done and then the Lord surprised us with you. And as you grow you will see that His plans are Always better then ours. You are proof of that and that no matter what a Dr. says , God can do anything. He YOU. Im so glad that He choose us to be your parents, I know that you will do great things in this world and no matter how old you get I will ALWAYS give you a "scratch back", I love you~ Mommy

Monday, April 6, 2009


When Daddy first started this blog I had my doubts but, now I am thankful....see it works, I want to share one of the most amazing days of my life with yall but, you are to young to grasp it so here you will get to read about it and hopefully see it everyday in our life.....on March 26th 2009, I accepted Jesus as my Savior....true salvation. Daddy has already shared the story of HOW it happened I just want to share HOW it felt and HOW it has changed me. When I heard HIM call my was surprising but loud n clear...I realized that I had been living my life as a "christian woman" but not giving Him all of my heart, I carried around baggage that wasnt even mine. See the life that I was born into is the opposite of yalls life in every way. I gave God all my heart that night and for the 1st time in my life my heart felt empty n full at the same time..... Even though yall are too young to see the changes in me right now I hope that you will always see IT in me...I pray for each of you everyday from the biggest of things to the smallest....and I always will. I had a very unstable and unloving childhood and try every single day to give each of you a feeling of love and security, you will NEVER know anything different. As you grow older I am sure I will share more of my life with you but, KNOW this.....I would have lived my childhood a thousand times over to be the mom that I am. AND it is with Gods love and grace that I am able to~ all my love, Mommy

Monday, March 30, 2009

Ken Freeman

This past weekend was a tremendous one in the life of our family. Our church, Chestnut Mountain, invited Ken Freeman to speak on Thursday through Sunday. On Thursday night, Jay was supposed to have baseball practice, but it was pouring down rain and was cancelled. Mommy was supposed to keep the 4A nursery. As the kids kept arriving, they kept going into the the 4B and 4C rooms, and mommy ended up with no kids to watch. Ingrid told mommy to go ahead and go to the service. Well God laid out his plans for that night just perfetly, because when Ken Freeman gave the invitation and the end of the service, mommy knew that God was talking to her, and she invited Jesus into her heart on that night, March 26th, 2009. Since that night, God has worked through mommy, and mommy has led 2 of her friends to accept Jesus into their hearts as well. Mommy has a glow about her that I haven't seen in over 13 years. I am amazed at God's work in her. He really is real, and He really does have a plan for each of us. I cannot wait to see what He has in store for us next.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Harlem Globetrotters

Today we had us a boys day and went to the Gwinnett Center to see the Harlem Globetrotters. We had seen them on television awhile back, and ever since then, Jay had been asking to see them in person. So, since mommy was sick and needed some rest, I decided to give myself a boys day for my birthday. You 3 boys laughed and laughed and laughed. Your favorite parts were when the Globtrotters pulled down the other team's basketball shorts, and you could see their underwear. Riley loved the dancing and the music. Cody loved the confetti bucket that they threw on the people. Jay loved it all...he just kept on laughing. He already wants to go back and see them again. We ended the day with Bruster's Ice Cream. It was such a fun day! I love being ya'lls daddy!.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Happy 37th Birthday Daddy!!

Boys, thank you so much for giving me a great birthday "party" last night. Mommy has been sooo sick this week, and we decided not to go out anywhere to eat. We decided to ust stay in and spend my birthday together as a family, and I am so happy that we did. We rented "Igor" from On Demand, and and we piled up together on the couch to watch it. Cody and Riley lasted about 10 minutes with it before they were bored and wanted to do something else. We ordered pizza from Papa Johns, too. It was delicious! I honestly could not have asked for a better birthday!! Thank you boys for making me the luckiest daddy in the world!! I love you!!
Jen, I love you, too. You are the best!! I read something the other day that said, "some people are just put on earth to give life to others". I am so fortunate that God sent you to me, because you give me "life". I love you soo much! Thank you!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snow Day

Boys, what are horrible couple of weeks the past two have been. Jay has been out of school for 9 days with strep throat and the flu, Cody missed a couple of days of school with a fever, Riley has had a fever and runny nose for a week, Mommy has mono, and Daddy went to the dr today with strep throat. But, the good news is that everyone seems to be getting their strength back, and it is SNOWING today!! We got ya'll bundled up and took you out to play in it for just a few minutes. We figured that even though you have been sick,it hardly ever snows around here, so we didn't want ya'll to miss getting to play in it. The flakes are sooooo big. Jay tried to catch the snowflakes in his mouth. Cody and Riley made snowballs and tried to hit me with them. Mommy looked like a little snow bunny. Ya'll were so excited when it started to snow....Ya'll kept begging and begging to go out and play in it. I bet that your school gets called off tomorrow, so that means more fun in the snow!!! Love you!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentines Day 2009

Tonight for our dinner...I had a candle lit dinner with the 4 most special people in my world.....yes it was Valentines day, and it wasnt the most romantic thing but it was perfect for me. See I know that it wont be long till you three will be having dinners with other Valentines....I know how precious this time is, so as I sat at the table with Riley burping, Cody making a mess and Jay asking 100 questions, I looked at yall in the candle light and thought......this really is LOVE!! And thats what Valentines is all about........PS For the future NEVER buy your wife flower seeds for Valenties Day!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Cody's 6th Birthday Party


I cannot believe that you are 6 years old!! Pretty soon you are gonna be driving and dating girls. You are such a good little boy. You are funny, creative, and sooooo adventurous. I believe that you could take anything and make something out of it. You love to make "stuff"...doesn't matter what it is...just Stuff. We had your birthday party at Chuck E Cheese at 4pm yesterday (Saturday). I hope that you enjoyed it, because we are NEVER doing it again!! There were SOOOOO many people there that they actually stopped letting people inside unless you were there for a party. When we left, the line to get in was lined up all the way around the side of the building. All of your cousins came (except for Gigi), and you had some of your friends from your class: Austin, Wesley, and Sam. You got a medal to wear around your neck (you haven't hardly taken it off in 2 days) and you got 100 free points. You used those points along with the ones that you earned playing the games to get you an orange wristband with a soccerball on it, and you woe it to church today. You are so funny about stuff like that!! You are so proud of yourself whe you accomplish anything, and it just shines off of you. Mommy and I love you so much, and we are so blessed to have you as our son. It is children like you that make Mommys and Daddys have tons of babies. You are an absolute pleasure to have around because you brighten everybody around you! I cannot wait to see what the rest of your life has in store, because I know that God has big plans for you!! I love you so much! Happy Birthday, son! Love, Daddy.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Cody-bug

Happy Birthday Cody-bug, I can not believe that you r 6 today. Sadly, you are sick youve had croup and now you have a upper resp-infection. I hate for you to be sick anytime, but esp/today of all days. You still wanted your chinese food for dinner, you have wanted that for your birthday dinner since you were about 3. I just got done laying down with you, and we said our little saying that we say every night..I love you I love you most...uuuuuuuuuuuuu. I just kissed your little head for the millioneth time, and I close my eyes and I promise I can see everyday of your 6 yrs of life...I can see all of it. I can feel them laying you on my chest, you looking up at me for the very first did not even just looked at me and that was it...true love...perfect love. I love you Cody-bug....Happy Birthday!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day - 2009


Today was a tremendously important day in the history of our country. Your mom will tell you that I was always big on things that I think are "history". Most of them are ususally sporting events, but today was not sports, but something even more important. Today, Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States. Why is that important? Why is that history? Because it breaks down walls; it breaks down barriers. It proves that racism in our country, while it still exists in many corners, is basicallly a non-factor. I would have never thought that we would have ever seen this day....and I can promise you that my parents and grandparents would never have believed it either. I was telling Jay at dinner tonight that I can remember the marches in Forsyth County back in the 1980's where there were riots and fights. Forsyth County was 99.9999% white back in the late 80's, and the residents there didn't take very kindly to people whose skin wasn't the same color as theirs. So, Hosea Williams (google his name to find out more if you want) organized a "peaceful" march of black folks through Forsyth. They were met by white folks that weren't so "peaceful". I also remember going to high school with the son of the grand dragon of the KKK. His house was on Atlanta Highway right down the road from where the Falcons complex is now, and they always had interesting billboards and signs erected in their yard with their message of racism. I guess my point is that in less than 30 years, people have overcome that hatred and elected a black man to be the most powerful man in the free world, and I just wanted to capture this day as best I could for you to recall one day.

I do want to tell you that I did not vote for Barack Obama. I voted for John McCain. President Obama had many views that I didn't agree with, the biggest being his stance on abortion...but it had absolutely nothing to with the color of his skin. But, the great thing about living in the democracy of the United States is that by voting, the majority wins....period. Now that President Obama is in office, although we don't have to agree with his views, it is our duty to respect him and support the office of the Presidency.

The other thing, and probably the most important thing , that I want you to take away from a day like today is to never, EVER stop working towards your goals and dreams. Just imagine for a second what it must have been like for Barack Obama as a little boy about the age that each of you are now. He and his family were not allowed to eat in the same restaurants, not allowed to drink out of the same water fountains, not allowed to go to the same schools, white people. What do you think that his parents told him when he said that he wanted to grow up to be President of the United States? I'm sure that they told him that he could grow up to be anything that he wanted....but, do you REALLY think that they believed it, considering the state that the country was in? I don't. Sure, as he grew up, many of those racial barriers were broken by very influential black men that came along before him....Martin Luther King Jr, John Lewis, Jesse Jackson, Hosea Williams, Jackie Robinson, and Colin Powell were a few of them. But, none of them had the platform to truly knock down these walls that President Obama does now. I pray for him and his family as they start to lead our country today.

Boys, just know that just like President Obama's, your dreams...whatever they might be....are REACHABLE! His presidency proves that nothing is out of reach if you believe in yourself and you work hard enough to achieve your goals. Me and your mom love each of you so much, and we promise to support you in every dream / goal that you strive to achieve.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

New to the Blogging world

Since it is now 2009, we figured that we would get with the times and start ourselves a blog. Our intention is to hopefully give our boys this gift that could possibly last them the rest of their lives. My hope is that one day, that they can look back on these posts and remember these points and experiences in their lives. My goal is to record the important events / dates and to express to our boys how much that their mom and I love them and sacrifice for them each and everyday. So, Jay, Cody, and Riley, this is for you.
We want to include pictures of you as you grow up, as well as record our thoughts, prayers, and hopes for each of you. We truly want this to be a gift for you to cherish forever. We love you so much, and we thank God that he chose us to be your parents. Out of all the little boys in the world, He couldn't have picked 3 better ones for us. We are so very blessed to get to share in your lives.