Proverbs 22:6

We are fortunate enough to be blessed with 3 wonderful little boys: Jay, Cody, and Riley. We always say that we're not just raising boys, but we are raising husbands. This blog is for them.

Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Jay's first band concert

Jay, tonight we went to your first band concert.  I'm not sure that we knew exactly what to expect considering this was our first band concert as well, but I have to admit, we were pleasantly surprised.  You kids had only been playing your instruments for a couple of months, and you sounded really good.  We could tell the amount of hard work that you had put into playing your trumpet.  You guys played 5 or 6 songs, and all were very, very good.  We are sure proud of you, and we are proud that you like your music!  Love ya, buddy!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Our Elf on the Shelf

Last year, we had our first visit from our Elf on the Shelf.  You know, the Elf that keeps and eye on you boys each day, then reports back to Santa each night at the North Pole.  Every morning, he re-appears at our house in a new location...but he is ALWAYS watching.  We named him Buster, and he keeps you boys in line.  But the funny thing is, he likes to get in funny poses or hide in places that make it difficult for you boys to see him.  He usually shows up around Thanksgiving night and stays with us through Christmas.  Every morning, it is fun to watch you boys come downstairs and see where he is.  In the picture here, he was sitting on the side of a candle acting like he was roasting marshmallows....silly Buster!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Family Skate Night

Boys, tonight the church had a family skate night for the kids area for meeting your giving goal of $200.  We had it at Skate Country in Buford, GA.  I remember when I was a kid, I used to go roller skating every weekend.  One of my very favorite Christmas presents was my first pair of roller skates....Pacer Racer boots with Red Devil wheels.  Mommy makes fun of me sometimes because I even won a speed skating trophy when I was younger.  Your mom and I actually went roller skating on our very first date.  You boys really enjoyed it tonight.  Riley kept trying to march in his skates, and I bet that he fell about 150 times, but he kept getting up and trying it again and again.  Cody fell a few times, too, but he finally got the hang of it...and now you keep begging us to take you back.  Jay did really well.  I don't think that Jay ever fell down....but he sure was wobbly a couple of times!!  Mommy and I even laced em up and skated all night, too.  We have said that we are going to take you boys skating more often.  It was fun to see you boys enjoying yourselves so much!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Photo Shoot

Boys, the folks at NE GA Pediatric Dentistry must have been IMPRESSED with the 3 of you.  They called Mommy and asked her if she would mind if they used pictures of the 3 of you boys for advertisements in their office.  Of course, we said that we didn't mind.  We took you boys out to Hurricane Shoals park in Maysville, GA for the photo shoot.  There are a lot of old buildings and cabins out there...perfect for outdoor photos.  You boys were on your best behavior, and the photos turned out super.  I'm so proud that other folks can look at you boys and see how handsome you are...inside and out!  Love you, boys!

Click here to see more pictures from the photo shoot.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Riley's first UGA game

Riley made his first trip to Sanford Stadium today to watch the Dawgs play the New Mexico State Aggies  'between the hedges'.  You were so asked me 100 times on Friday night, "Daddy, what time are we leaving in the morning?"  We got up and went to eat breakfast at McDonalds before heading down to the love to eat chicken biscuits for breakfast.  Once we got to Athens, we walked around campus a little bit before going into the stadium.  I showed you some of the statues, and we went into the University Bookstore and looked at all the cool stuff in there.  Once we went into the stadium, your eyes lit could not believe how big the place was....before today, the only stadium that you had been in was the GA Force Field....and Sanford Stadium is about 4 times as big!  The Dawgs did not disappoint us today.  They won handily, 63-16.  You loved every minute of it.  You especially liked watching Hairy the Dog on the sidelines, and you loved getting to see Russ, the real bulldog who was filling in for UGA.  All in all, it was a very fun day, I am so blessed that I get to have days like today with you and your brothers.  I pray that you always remember days like today!  I love you, buddy!

Click here to see more pics from Riley's first UGA game

Friday, November 4, 2011

Jay's 12th Birthday

Happy 12th Birthday to our big boy, Jay Tyler.  12 years ago today, we changed from 'Scott and Jennifer' to 'Mommy and Daddy'.  That day 12 years ago was one of the happiest days of my was life changing.  It is absolutely amazing how you can look at a newborn baby that you know that you had a part in creating, and immediately fall in love with him.  To know that we prayed and waited....and prayed and waited...for God to pick out the perfect little boy to send to Mom and me.  And, I'll just tell you, God really knows how to pick em....He gave us the best little boy that we could have ever asked for.  I cannot begin to tell you how proud we are of the young man that you are becoming.  You are unashamed of your faith....I told Mom the other day that I got to sit with you in church last week, and during the worship portion of the service, you were just singing out to God at the top of your lungs....just praising Him.  It made me so proud of you!  I can't wait to see what God has in store for you.  I know in my heart that He has great plans for you, because you are going to allow Him to use you in a big way!  I pray that you never lose that, Jay.  Keep on trusting in Him, and never doubt that God is always with you!
Today on your birthday, you had 3 of your friends come over and spend the night:  Jack Weaver, Ben Bade, and Trey Hall.  We took you boys to the movies to see "Real Steel", then came back and had ice cream cake.  I told mommy that it was funny that when you looked at your cake, it looks like it says "Happy Birthday, Jax"...instead of "Jay".  We love you very much, buddy....and Mom and Dad are extrememly proud of you!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

Well, boys, we took our annual Halloween trip to Grammy and Grampys house.  We have been going up there on Halloween since Jay was old enough to trick-or-treat. They have the best neighborhood to trick-or-treat in!  They close off the entrance, and it looks like something out of a movie or something.  There are literally thousands of kids that are out on the streets trick-or-treating.  The only bad part is that the folks that own the houses only give out 1 small piece of candy because they have so many kids coming by their house.  Like always, you walked around with all of your cousins and had a blast!  Jay was a referee this year...complete with a whistle.  Cody was a UGA football player...again!  And Riley was a zombie...Riley's costume had his guts exposed, and he had a pump in his hand that when he squeezed it, it looked like his heart was beating through his costume...pretty gross!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

CMC Fall Fest 2011

This year, our church held it's 1st Fall Festival for our children.  We had a great turnout.  There were 18 different stations...from wheelbarrow racing, to pumpkin tosses, to horseback rides....and all the kids had a great time!  We had an open fire-pit where kids could roast marshmallows and hot dogs as well.  Riley, you and your friend Nick Blackledge  hung out together and went around to all the stations.  Cody, you hung out with Jake Stinchcomb and Seth Miller, and you boys had a blast!  Jay, since you moved up to the youth group this year, you did not get to participate in the events, but you helped out by keeping the kids in line over at the horseback rides with Mr. Roger and Mrs Shari Stover.  They both said how big of a helper you were today!  I'm so glad that we get to do things like we did today with our church family.  I'm so proud of the 3 of you boys, and I cannot wait to see how God is going to use you and work in your lives!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Jaemor Farms

Boys, we did not get to do anything over your fall break from school because of football and everyone was fighting colds, so we decided to bring ya'll to Jaemor Farms today.  Yaya and Paw Paw came with us, too!  Jay had come with the youth group from church a few weeks ago, and he really enjoyed it.  We thought that  Cody and Riley would like it, too.  We started with the 9 acre corn maze.  We got about 1 acre into it, and Riley was ready to come out!  Cody loved it, and he could have stayed in it all day long.  You have absolutely no idea how big the corn maze is until you get in it.  And you can go in so many wrong directions!!!  Then we went and had lunch at the BBQ place there.  After lunch, we went and let you boys do the water pump duck races, and the apple launchers....shooting apples at an old school bus!  We also took a hayride that took us back into the orchards with the apple and peach trees.  I told mommy that when I was a little boy, my grandparents owned a produce stand, and we would come up to these very orchards and pick the peaches right off of the trees.  It was so much fun to be able to spend the day with you boys and have fun like this!  I hope that you always remember days like today!

Click here to see more pictures from our day at Jaemor Farms

Friday, October 7, 2011

Bullous Impetigo

This spot on Riley's cheek started out as just a little pink spot, then the next day it got bigger, then the next day it got bigger and blisters started popping up on it.  He went to Dr today, and the Dr called it Bullous Impetigo, a form of staph infection....ugh!!  Not good.  Not sure what caused it, but it looks rough, though.  He got some antibiotics today, so hopefully, it will be better soon.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fall Sports 2011

Boys, what fun we have had playing football this year.  It has been so hectic, but it has been fun, too.  All 3 of you played on 3 separate had practice 3 nights each the same 3 different locations!!  Sometimes it seemed like you boys outnumbered mommy and daddy, but somehow, someway, we made it work out.
Riley, you are playing for the 7 year old West Jackson Panthers.  It was your first year playing football, and  you act like you have been waiting your whole life to play.  You have played QB, RB and WR on offense...and Safety and CB on defense.  You had been begging to run the ball, and finally in week # 6 your coach let you run it.  Mom went to your game that day and she says that you ran for over 50 yards, and it was taking 4 or 5 players to bring you down.  I bet that you get the ball a bunch more times before your season is over!!  Great job on your first year of football, buddy!
Cody, you are playing for the 8 year old West Jackson Panthers.  You have found a natural position, I think.  You play center, and you just look like a center.  You and Jake Stinchcomb, who is the QB for your team, are a great little pair.  You guys practice your snaps on the sidelines during the games just like pro players do.  The first game of the year, you and Jake had a bunch of issues with the snaps, but since that game, you guys have worked hard and those issues have gone away!  You also have turned into a great little blocker.  I watch you after you snap the ball, and you are locked up on the guy that you are supposed to block.  There is no way that your guy is getting to your QB!  Great job, Cody!
Jay, you are playing for the 11 year old West Jackson Panthers.  At the first of the year, your coach had you playing defense, but in about the 3rd game, he moved you to your more natural position of offensive line.  This has, by far, been your best year of football.  You lock up on the guy that you are supposed to be blocking, and you move him out of the way.  The majority of the running plays that your team runs come right to the hold that you open up.  Jay, we are so proud of you.  This has been a tough year for you on the football field.  You have had to deal with other kids picking on you and cheap-shotting you.  You have handled it much better than we could have ever asked.  You took it, and took it, and took it until it was time not to take it any longer.  Finally, you had your fill, and you defended yourself.  And here is the part that makes me the proudest of you.  After you gave it back to those boys, we gave you the opportunity to quit football for the rest of the year, and you chose to finish it out.  That makes me so proud of you, Jay Baugh!  You are such a better / bigger man than I could have ever hoped that you would be.  I Love You, and I pray that you keep your selfless attitude as you grow into a man!  You are going to do great things one day!  Great job, Jay!
Without a doubt, the most fun day of the season was September 17....we played 3 games at the high school.  Cody was the captain for his team that day, and he got to go out before the game and do the coin toss and meet the referees.  Jay's team played North Hall, and Gigi was a cheerleader for the North Hall team.  Riley's team played North Hall, and Brady played for them.  It was so much fun having all of the family there that day watching all of you play ball and cheer.  It is so much fun watching you boys grow up!!
Click here to see more Fall Sports pictures of our boys!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

FCA Day at Jaemor Farms

Jay, I'm kicking myself for not snapping a picture, but today was a really fun day for you!  It was your first trip with the youth group at CMC.  We took 3 buses of youth up to Jaemor Farms for an FCA event.  They have this FCA day each year at Jaemor where a percentage of all the proceeds for the day goes to support the FCA.  You, and your friends Jack Weaver and Ben Bade hung out together tonight, and then they came back and spent the night at the house with you.  Jaemor has a lot of fun stuff, but when we got there, you guys went right into the 8 acre Corn Maze.  This year is was cut in a Johnny Appleseed design (that is a picture of the maze).  The funniest part of the night was when you guys got on the back side of the corn maze, and then Jack started feeling like he had to go to the bathroom.  You guys had to take off running through the corn maze in order for him to make it back.  Jaemor also had apple slingshots where you launched apples at an old school bus.  They had duck races, where you pumped water and tried to make your duck get to the end of the tube quicker than your opponent.  They have a market, too, that has fresh fruits and vegetables.  We went up to the market together and had homemade ice cream and pies.  It was fun to see you having so much fun with your friends.  I was so glad that I got to go with you guys tonight!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Last of the Mohicans

Well, Riley had been begging for me to give him a mohawk haircut for over a month.  We finally gave into it, and decided to give him one.  He was needing a haircut anyway, so his hair was kind of long.  Mommy says that he looks like he came right out of the Last of the Mohicans movie.  We did cut it down from the first picture so that it looks "good".   Riley really is a natural for the mohawk.  On the first football game after he got it, he carried the ball for over 50 yards and scored on a 2-point conversion!  So, it gave him a little attitude....not like he needed one or anything!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Under the Bleachers...

Not sure what makes me like this picture so much.  Riley and I had been to his football game this morning at White Co High School, and after it was over, we had came back to North Hall High School to watch Cody's game.  I saw Riley under the bleachers just entertaining himself with his IPOD.  Up above him and all around him, people were stomping on the bleachers and screaming and hollering for their teams, and here was Riley just alone and phasing it all out.  Sometimes I wish that we, as adults, could do this...just get away from all the chaos that surrounds us, and just go "under the bleachers" where we could think.  Love you, buddy!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Jay's Layers of the Earth Project

It did not take long for Jay to get introduced to Middle School projects....less than 3 weeks, to be exact.  They had to make a model of the layers of the earth and then label the layers.  Jay and mommy worked together to complete this first project, and I have to say that they did an outstanding job!  They used the shell of a Bakugan case for the outer edge of the earth, then they used clay for each layer.  I hope that mommy put this model in a safe place so that we can use it again in about 3 years!!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Cody's Boosterthon Fun Run

Cody had his Boosterthon Fun Run today.  This is a fund raiser for the school.  They trick the kids to run laps by giving them prizes that cost about a dime.  The kids are supposed to get people to "sponsor" them based on how many laps they run / walk.  Cody ran like 30 laps, and he had a great time.  One of his best little friends, Sam Weaver, is in the picture with him.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Falcons Training Camp 2011

Boys, we were able to go back to the Falcons Training Camp in Flowery Branch again this year.  We came over here last year, and we had a blast, and you boys had asked if we could come back.  It is pretty fun just getting to spend this time hanging out with you boys.  We got us a Falcons football that is smooth on the top side of it so that the players can autograph it easier.  We watched the practice from up on the hill at the Falcons Complex.  We got to see the Falcons #1 draft pick this year, WR Julio Jones.  He is going to be a BEAST!  The Falcons traded up 21 spots in the draft to get him, and from the looks of him, it is going to be worth it.  He was making amazing catches.  After the practice, some of the players come over to the fans and sign autographs.  Today, most of the new draft picks were signing.  We got Jaquizz Rodgers, Akeem Dent, and Matt Bosher's autographs on our new football.  It was a very fun day!  Thank you boys for letting me be a part of it with you.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

1st Day of School 2011

Boys, today started another year of school.  It is the first time that the 3 of you will be in 3 different schools.  Jay starts Middle School today!!  6th Grade!!  Wow!  That is so hard to believe.  It is so exciting to see Jay grow and mature.  Nothing seems to be too much for him to handle.  The transition to Middle School has been much harder on Mommy and Daddy than it has on Jay.  He will have a locker for the first time, change classes, be in the Middle School band, and attempt to ride the bus!!  But I know that Jay is strong enough to handle it all.  Jay, you have succeeded in everything that you have done in school, and we fully expect that you will continue to succeed!
Cody starts 3rd Grade in the Intermediate School.  Cody, you have done so well in school also.  You are a natural leader.  Your friends look to you to take the lead, and your teachers do, too.  You are taking speech, and your speech teacher says that you are doing so well that you will not be in it much longer because you have worked so hard and done so well.  We could not be prouder of you, buddy!
Riley starts his final year in the Primary School....2nd Grade.  Riley, you will be the big man on campus this year.  We are so proud of you, and what you have accomplished in school so far!
We could not have asked for 3 better boys when it comes to school.  All 3 of you work so hard, that it makes it seem like school comes easy to you....but it really doesn' just make it look that way.  I pray that you all keep on working will pay off for you one day, I promise.  We love you all 3 very much!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Jay's last Sunday in the Kidz Klubhouse!

It is so hard to believe that today is the last Sunday that Jay will be in the Kidz Klubhouse at CMC.  Next Sunday, Jay moves up to the Youth area!!  We are sure that Jay is ready....he has been ready for awhile, but it is hard to imagine that the little baby we brought home from the hospital is growing up so fast!  Jay, we are so very proud of the little man that you are becoming.  You think with your heart all of the are so considerate of others....even when they sometimes don't deserve it.  For an 11 year old little boy, you have got "love God, and love people" down pat.  I am so excited for you to begin this next season of your church life in the youth group.  I know that God has great plans for you, and He will work wonders in your life!  We love you, buddy!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Panama City 2011

Vacation!!!!  We were able to go to the beach this year with Yaya and DeeDee, and we had such a good time!!  We had went to PCB a couple of years ago, and we were so looking forward to going back this year.  We stayed on the 21st floor in a very, very nice condo.  You boys loved going out onto the balcony and looking for the dolphins swimming in the Gulf.  We went down to the beach everyday.  Jay and Cody loved playing in the sand.  Each day they would dig holes that were so deep that they could both sit in them, and they would take turns burying each other in the sand.  Riley was a wave-riding fool....he got on his boogie board and off he went.  He is so little that he could get way far out in the ocean, catch a good wave, and ride it all the way to the shore.  He LOVED riding those waves.
One thing that I will always remember about this vacation was how bad the seaweed was.  It was so bad that people kept taking piles of it that ended up on shore and writing words with it.  It was so bad that when we went up to our room after we were through at the beach for the day, we would empty the pockets of our swimming trunks, and we would just have globs of seaweed in them.  We had seaweed in places that seaweed didn't need to be!!

We asked you boys what you wanted to do while we were at the beach.  You guys said that you wanted to play putt-putt, ride go karts, and go to the arcade.  Cody also wanted to do the maze (see other post).  We were able to do it all.  We played putt-putt, and Jay was the winner of a very close match.  Riley made a hole in one, but Jay pulled out the slim victory.  We went to ride go karts twice.  The first track we went to, neither Cody nor Riley were tall enough to drive by themselves, so Cody rode with me, and Riley rode with Mommy.  Cody and I smoked the competition!!  Cody and Riley really wanted to drive, so we went to another track.  This time Riley was able to drive by himself on the kids track.  Cody was just barely tall enough to drive on the track with me and Jay, and you could tell that Cody was a little bit nervous and excited at the same time.  The very first lap around the track, I was staying back beside Cody to make sure that he was ok.  I tried to pull along side of him, and he swerved into me and spun himself out.  After that, though, he got the hang of it, and did really well for his very first time driving.
We did have a little excitement on the trip.  Mom's car decided to tear up while we were there, and we had to spend almost $900 to fix it...that definitely wasn't in the vacation budget., but all in all, I was so glad that we were able to get away and enjoy a week together at the beach.  I pray that we created some memories for you boys this week!

Click here to view all of our PCB 2011 pictures

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Cody and the PCB Gran Maze

Oh, the Gran Maze in Panama City….what fun!  I remember doing this maze when I was a kid, and I had talked it up with the boys all week while we were on vacation.  Cody is the only one that showed any interest in doing it with me, and so me and him went to do it.  It was literally right up his alley.  He said that we should have brought a camera and took a picture up on the bridge.  Then we could have used that picture to navigate our way through the maze.  You are so smart when it comes to figuring stuff out.  We got in the maze, and I just let you lead the way while I followed you.    Cody loved it….we would go through the maze and find a dead end, and he would just laugh and turn around and find the right way.  Not once did he ever even consider cheating and crawling under the walls….he wanted to figure it out the right way.  We made it through the maze in 22 minutes….and the best time of the day was 15 minutes…so that was pretty stinkin good for your first time ever going through a maze.  I was very proud of you, and so happy to get to do something with just me and you….we hardly ever get that chance!  Love you, buddy!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Jay's Mario Legos

Jay had read in a lego magazine that there was a contest to create something out of your legos, take a picture of it, and you might get shown in an upcoming issue of the magazine.  So, Jay decided to make a creation.  I have to say that I was pretty amazed by what he built.  He built a Mario and Luigi, a red shell, a brown goomba, and a yellow ? box.  He also drew and colored the background all by himself.  He worked so hard on this project, and it turned out awesome!  Great job, Jay!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Cow Appreciation Day 2011

Each year, Chick Fil A has a "Cow Appreciation Day" where if you dress up like a cow, then you get free food.  Well, this year mommy chose for you boys to participate.  As you can see in the picture, you are 3 of the prettiest cows that I have ever seen.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Yaya's 59th Birthday

Wow!  Yaya is OLD!!  We all went out to eat tonight at Longhorn's Steakhouse for Yaya's 59th birthday.  It was a special night because Uncle Nathan, Aunt Jenny, and Gigi were there also.  It was the first time in a very long time that we had all been together.  I think it made Yaya very happy....and it made her birthday a very memorable one.  Happy Birthday, Yaya!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Riley - "Let's Go!"

Another one of Riley's original hits!  When he is a big star, we can always look back on these and hold them over his head!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


For 11 years, mommy had kept rasslin' out of the one was allowed to watch it, talk about it, etc.   Well, you can only keep rasslin' away from little boys for so long, and she finally caved in and let you guys watch it.  Let me tell wasn't a cave in, it was a full-fledged avalanche!  You boys pretty much eat, sleep, and breathe rasslin'.  I guess that you get it naturally, though.  Yaya will always tell you the story of when I was a little boy, and me and dad took her to watch live rasslin' for Mother's Day one year!  I remember growing up, and it came on TV every Friday night.  I had to be home to catch it all.  My favorites were The American Dream Dusty Rhodes, Nature Boy Ric Flair, Wildfire Tommy Rich, Chief Wahoo McDaniel, Abdullah the Butcher, Andre the Giant, Ivan and Nikita Koloff, Thunderbolt Patterson, etc....I could sit and name them all.  You boys like John Cena, The Miz (who just happens to look just like Uncle Joseph), and The Undertaker.  I would like to tell you boys...and your mom...that it's just a phase, and that you will grow out of liking rasslin'....but that would be a lie.  You will probably continue to watch it....and like it just the same!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Spring Sports 2011

We finally got smart and let Riley "play up" this spring and let him and Cody play on the same baseball team...the Braves.  They had so much fun playing together.  Coach Tony Stinchcomb was the boys coach...his son, Jake, is one of their best little friends from church.  Coach Tony was amazing working with Cody and Riley.  This was Cody's first year of playing baseball, and he played catcher.  Let me tell you, even at 8 years old, Cody Baugh looks like a catcher.  He did awesome in stopping the balls, blocking the plate, and getting the ball back to the pitcher.  Riley played left center field, some pitcher, and some 2nd base...and he did outstanding, too, considering that he was by far the youngest boy on the team.
Jay played for Coach Kevin Foley again this year on the Giants.  Jay did awesome as well...especially towards the latter part of the season.  Jay's team went on a run, and finished the season as runner up in the tournament.  All in all, it was a great baseball season for all 3 boys!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

More of Jay's readings

Here are more samples of Jay's poetry readings at his school.  Keep in mind that he wrote these.  Pay special attention to the ones about his brothers...God really knew what He was doing when He made Jay a big brother to Cody and Riley.

If Jay were in charge of the world...

Here is a video of Jay reciting a paper that he wrote entitled "If I were in charge of the world."  As you can see, he would get rid of Justin Beiber....and a salad would be served with every dinner.  Makes perfect sense to me.

Cody and Riley's Sock Hop

Turn back the clock!!  Cody and Riley's school went back into the 1950's today for their sock hop.  Soooo very cool.  Cody and Riley wore their white T-Shirts with the sleeves rolled up and pegged their blue jean legs.  Riley even had a #2 honor of Matt Ryan...who I pretty sure wasn't even around in the 50's. They looked like two cool cats, and they rocked around the clock!!  Great look, boys!!!