Proverbs 22:6

We are fortunate enough to be blessed with 3 wonderful little boys: Jay, Cody, and Riley. We always say that we're not just raising boys, but we are raising husbands. This blog is for them.

Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Friday, July 15, 2011

Panama City 2011

Vacation!!!!  We were able to go to the beach this year with Yaya and DeeDee, and we had such a good time!!  We had went to PCB a couple of years ago, and we were so looking forward to going back this year.  We stayed on the 21st floor in a very, very nice condo.  You boys loved going out onto the balcony and looking for the dolphins swimming in the Gulf.  We went down to the beach everyday.  Jay and Cody loved playing in the sand.  Each day they would dig holes that were so deep that they could both sit in them, and they would take turns burying each other in the sand.  Riley was a wave-riding fool....he got on his boogie board and off he went.  He is so little that he could get way far out in the ocean, catch a good wave, and ride it all the way to the shore.  He LOVED riding those waves.
One thing that I will always remember about this vacation was how bad the seaweed was.  It was so bad that people kept taking piles of it that ended up on shore and writing words with it.  It was so bad that when we went up to our room after we were through at the beach for the day, we would empty the pockets of our swimming trunks, and we would just have globs of seaweed in them.  We had seaweed in places that seaweed didn't need to be!!

We asked you boys what you wanted to do while we were at the beach.  You guys said that you wanted to play putt-putt, ride go karts, and go to the arcade.  Cody also wanted to do the maze (see other post).  We were able to do it all.  We played putt-putt, and Jay was the winner of a very close match.  Riley made a hole in one, but Jay pulled out the slim victory.  We went to ride go karts twice.  The first track we went to, neither Cody nor Riley were tall enough to drive by themselves, so Cody rode with me, and Riley rode with Mommy.  Cody and I smoked the competition!!  Cody and Riley really wanted to drive, so we went to another track.  This time Riley was able to drive by himself on the kids track.  Cody was just barely tall enough to drive on the track with me and Jay, and you could tell that Cody was a little bit nervous and excited at the same time.  The very first lap around the track, I was staying back beside Cody to make sure that he was ok.  I tried to pull along side of him, and he swerved into me and spun himself out.  After that, though, he got the hang of it, and did really well for his very first time driving.
We did have a little excitement on the trip.  Mom's car decided to tear up while we were there, and we had to spend almost $900 to fix it...that definitely wasn't in the vacation budget., but all in all, I was so glad that we were able to get away and enjoy a week together at the beach.  I pray that we created some memories for you boys this week!

Click here to view all of our PCB 2011 pictures

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