Proverbs 22:6

We are fortunate enough to be blessed with 3 wonderful little boys: Jay, Cody, and Riley. We always say that we're not just raising boys, but we are raising husbands. This blog is for them.

Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Friday, May 6, 2011

School Year 2010-2011

What a great year that you boys had this year!!  Mom and I could not have asked for 3 better little boys!  I don't think that any of you got in any trouble at school, and ALL of your report cards were just un-stinkin-believeable!  You all exceeded your teachers expectations.
    Jay was in 5th grade this year, and his teacher was Mrs. Latty.  You could tell that she really loved Jay.  She even came to watch Jay play in one of his baseball games!  And Jay really responded well to her also.  I think that Jay took a major step this year in 5th onto Middle School!!  Hope you are ready, Jay Tyler.....Mom and I are super proud of the young man that you are turning into!  We love you!
    Cody was in 2nd Grade this year, and his teacher was Mrs. Wilson.  You have turned into an amazing little boy!!  I cannot tell you how proud of you!  When I look at you and see how far you have come, especially in your speech, my heart just about bursts with joy!  Your speech teacher is Mrs. Harvey, and she says that you are the hardest working student that she has ever had....and that speaks volumes!!  You were the unofficial "leader" of your class.  All of your classmates seemed to look to you for decisions to be made about stuff...the most important being what to play at recess.  You always took the lead and made the decision!  We cannot wait to see what the Intermediate School is going to bring for you next year.  We know that you will do great!  We love you!
    Riley was in 1st Grade this year, and his teacher was Mrs. Taylor.  I don't even know where to start with Riley.  You exceeded everyone's expectations.  You were basically done with 1st Grade level stuff before half of the school year was out.  Mrs. Taylor had to find stuff for you to do in order to keep you challenged.  You had the most AR points in your class (except for the little girl that cheats), and you love to read!!  You were a leader in your class as well...the leader of the "boy squad" with your little friends, Nick and RJ.  We are so proud of you, and we cannot wait to see what 2nd Grade has in store for you next year!  We love you!!

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