Proverbs 22:6

We are fortunate enough to be blessed with 3 wonderful little boys: Jay, Cody, and Riley. We always say that we're not just raising boys, but we are raising husbands. This blog is for them.

Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Saturday, May 14, 2011

15 year Anniversary ZIPLINES!!!

Boys, me and mommy celebrated 15 years of marriage this year!  We decided to do something wild and crazy....we went ziplining at Lake Lanier Canopy Tours!!  Ziplining is where they harness you in, and you go swinging through the trees.  Let me tell you, at first it was pretty scary.  They start you off small...pretty close to the ground, but then after about the 3rd line, you are up in the stinkin trees, and there ain't no turning back!  We did a total of 14 ziplines and 4 sky bridges (rope bridges that connect to the trees).  A few of the ziplines went back and forth across Lake Lanier, and the views were amazing!  Thanks to Yaya for watching you boys and allowing mommy and me to have a night out.  It is a tremendous blessing that God has given us to be married for 15 years, and it is such a blessing to be your parents.  I pray that God continues to bless us for the next 15 years and longer!  We love you, boys!  Thank you for helping mom and me sustain our marriage and our family!

Click here to see all of our zipline pictures

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