Proverbs 22:6

We are fortunate enough to be blessed with 3 wonderful little boys: Jay, Cody, and Riley. We always say that we're not just raising boys, but we are raising husbands. This blog is for them.

Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Thursday, May 26, 2011


For 11 years, mommy had kept rasslin' out of the one was allowed to watch it, talk about it, etc.   Well, you can only keep rasslin' away from little boys for so long, and she finally caved in and let you guys watch it.  Let me tell wasn't a cave in, it was a full-fledged avalanche!  You boys pretty much eat, sleep, and breathe rasslin'.  I guess that you get it naturally, though.  Yaya will always tell you the story of when I was a little boy, and me and dad took her to watch live rasslin' for Mother's Day one year!  I remember growing up, and it came on TV every Friday night.  I had to be home to catch it all.  My favorites were The American Dream Dusty Rhodes, Nature Boy Ric Flair, Wildfire Tommy Rich, Chief Wahoo McDaniel, Abdullah the Butcher, Andre the Giant, Ivan and Nikita Koloff, Thunderbolt Patterson, etc....I could sit and name them all.  You boys like John Cena, The Miz (who just happens to look just like Uncle Joseph), and The Undertaker.  I would like to tell you boys...and your mom...that it's just a phase, and that you will grow out of liking rasslin'....but that would be a lie.  You will probably continue to watch it....and like it just the same!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Spring Sports 2011

We finally got smart and let Riley "play up" this spring and let him and Cody play on the same baseball team...the Braves.  They had so much fun playing together.  Coach Tony Stinchcomb was the boys coach...his son, Jake, is one of their best little friends from church.  Coach Tony was amazing working with Cody and Riley.  This was Cody's first year of playing baseball, and he played catcher.  Let me tell you, even at 8 years old, Cody Baugh looks like a catcher.  He did awesome in stopping the balls, blocking the plate, and getting the ball back to the pitcher.  Riley played left center field, some pitcher, and some 2nd base...and he did outstanding, too, considering that he was by far the youngest boy on the team.
Jay played for Coach Kevin Foley again this year on the Giants.  Jay did awesome as well...especially towards the latter part of the season.  Jay's team went on a run, and finished the season as runner up in the tournament.  All in all, it was a great baseball season for all 3 boys!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

More of Jay's readings

Here are more samples of Jay's poetry readings at his school.  Keep in mind that he wrote these.  Pay special attention to the ones about his brothers...God really knew what He was doing when He made Jay a big brother to Cody and Riley.

If Jay were in charge of the world...

Here is a video of Jay reciting a paper that he wrote entitled "If I were in charge of the world."  As you can see, he would get rid of Justin Beiber....and a salad would be served with every dinner.  Makes perfect sense to me.

Cody and Riley's Sock Hop

Turn back the clock!!  Cody and Riley's school went back into the 1950's today for their sock hop.  Soooo very cool.  Cody and Riley wore their white T-Shirts with the sleeves rolled up and pegged their blue jean legs.  Riley even had a #2 honor of Matt Ryan...who I pretty sure wasn't even around in the 50's. They looked like two cool cats, and they rocked around the clock!!  Great look, boys!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

15 year Anniversary ZIPLINES!!!

Boys, me and mommy celebrated 15 years of marriage this year!  We decided to do something wild and crazy....we went ziplining at Lake Lanier Canopy Tours!!  Ziplining is where they harness you in, and you go swinging through the trees.  Let me tell you, at first it was pretty scary.  They start you off small...pretty close to the ground, but then after about the 3rd line, you are up in the stinkin trees, and there ain't no turning back!  We did a total of 14 ziplines and 4 sky bridges (rope bridges that connect to the trees).  A few of the ziplines went back and forth across Lake Lanier, and the views were amazing!  Thanks to Yaya for watching you boys and allowing mommy and me to have a night out.  It is a tremendous blessing that God has given us to be married for 15 years, and it is such a blessing to be your parents.  I pray that God continues to bless us for the next 15 years and longer!  We love you, boys!  Thank you for helping mom and me sustain our marriage and our family!

Click here to see all of our zipline pictures

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Field Days - 2011

The funnest day of the school year is always Field day!  Each of you look so forward to this day every year.  As you can see from the pictures, each of you had a blast!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Jay's field trip to the State Capital

Today, Jay's 5th grade class took a field trip to the State Capital building in Atlanta, and I was lucky enough to get to be a chaperone and spend the day with my big boy!  We had a BLAST!!  We arrived at the capital building around 10am and met our State Rep Tommy Benton.  He greeted us outside and told all of the kids how the capital building came to be.  He showed them around the grounds and told them about all of the statues that are on the lawn outside the building.  Then we went inside, and the class had their picture made on the steps.  Then we went into the atrium...the very middle of the building under the dome.  This is where they bring dignitaries that pass away and let them lie in state.  They have numerous paintings and busts of all of the founding fathers of the state of GA, and Rep. Benton introduced them all to the kids.  We saw the offices of the Governor, Nathan Deal, and the Lt Governor, Casey Cagle.  Then we went upstairs to the museum.  They had all kinds of displays set up.  The ones that the kids were most interested in was the 2-headed calf that was born in GA.  They had lots of indian displays and rock displays that were relative to GA.  They also had numerous displays of how the capital building was built, and about the how the gold was put on the top of it.  They also had a big display for Jimmy Carter, the only President from GA.  After looking at the museum, we all went outside to the Herman Talmadge courtyard to have lunch.  Me and Jay sat together and talked and had a great lunch!!  I have to say that I'm so glad that I took the day off to spend it with my big boy!!  Oh...almost forgot one of the most important parts of the amazing Punch-Bug comeback!!  Jay was leading me 2-0 when we got to the Capital, but then on the way home, I tied him 2-2.  Right as we were getting off at our exit in Braselton, I saw one, and I took the lead for good!!  Jay fought a good fight, but he could not dethrone the Punch-Bug King!!!

Click here to see all of our Capital Building pictures

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Boys, I've said it before, but words cannot even begin to tell you how important that your Mom is in ALL of our lives.  She is the glue that holds our family together.  She is without question the best mother that I have ever seen, and the love that she has for you 3 boys is immeasurable.  It just oozes out of her each and every day!  It overflows from her heart, and it flows right into each of your lives.  I know that you are probably too young to realize it just yet, but my prayer is that one day you will look back and remember your childhood and remember that no matter what the occasion...from Field Day, Awards Day, Muffins with Mom,  bringing cupcakes to your class for your birthday, etc...from the largest occasion to the smallest....I want you to remember that your Mom was ALWAYS there to celebrate it with you.  She sacrifices so much of herself in order to make an impact in you 3 boys!  God could not have placed a better woman in our lives.  I realize it now, and I pray that each of you find someone as selfless as your mom when it's time for you to pick a wife!  Happy Mother's Day, mommy!  The 4 men in your life love you very much!

Friday, May 6, 2011

School Year 2010-2011

What a great year that you boys had this year!!  Mom and I could not have asked for 3 better little boys!  I don't think that any of you got in any trouble at school, and ALL of your report cards were just un-stinkin-believeable!  You all exceeded your teachers expectations.
    Jay was in 5th grade this year, and his teacher was Mrs. Latty.  You could tell that she really loved Jay.  She even came to watch Jay play in one of his baseball games!  And Jay really responded well to her also.  I think that Jay took a major step this year in 5th onto Middle School!!  Hope you are ready, Jay Tyler.....Mom and I are super proud of the young man that you are turning into!  We love you!
    Cody was in 2nd Grade this year, and his teacher was Mrs. Wilson.  You have turned into an amazing little boy!!  I cannot tell you how proud of you!  When I look at you and see how far you have come, especially in your speech, my heart just about bursts with joy!  Your speech teacher is Mrs. Harvey, and she says that you are the hardest working student that she has ever had....and that speaks volumes!!  You were the unofficial "leader" of your class.  All of your classmates seemed to look to you for decisions to be made about stuff...the most important being what to play at recess.  You always took the lead and made the decision!  We cannot wait to see what the Intermediate School is going to bring for you next year.  We know that you will do great!  We love you!
    Riley was in 1st Grade this year, and his teacher was Mrs. Taylor.  I don't even know where to start with Riley.  You exceeded everyone's expectations.  You were basically done with 1st Grade level stuff before half of the school year was out.  Mrs. Taylor had to find stuff for you to do in order to keep you challenged.  You had the most AR points in your class (except for the little girl that cheats), and you love to read!!  You were a leader in your class as well...the leader of the "boy squad" with your little friends, Nick and RJ.  We are so proud of you, and we cannot wait to see what 2nd Grade has in store for you next year!  We love you!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Riley's barbershop

Well, I took 7 years, but Riley finally became the first Baughboy to cut his own hair.  No reason was given, but he just took a pair of scissors and went right down the middle....all the way to his scalp.  Cody asked him what happened, and Riley said that he fell in PE.  Riley was really embarrassed about it...he is the most particular Baughboy about his it was a little rough on him.  His teacher, Mrs Taylor, had to go out of the classroom and call mommy the day that she saw him at school.  So, the next night, I skinned his head to try to cover up the damage.  I've put before and after pictures on here so that one day we can look back and laugh!!