Proverbs 22:6

We are fortunate enough to be blessed with 3 wonderful little boys: Jay, Cody, and Riley. We always say that we're not just raising boys, but we are raising husbands. This blog is for them.

Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Saturday, December 25, 2010

White Christmas 2010

Boys, what a wonderful Christmas!!  For the first time since something like the 1870's, we had measurable snowfall in North GA this Christmas.  Got to put up a picture, because it's very likely that you boys will never see another one.  But that was just only part of the fun!!  We had a great Christmas!!  We did all of our traditional stuff...each of you boys got a new ornament for the tree with your name and the year on it....these are some of your mommy's most treasured things...of course we had Fred Flintstone, Barney Rubble, Dino, and Hoppy on our tree as well....some of MY favorite things!!  We made a plate of cookies and milk for Santa, and as always, we went out in the backyard and put out some carrots and potatoes for the reindeer.  We woke up early on Christmas morning and came downstairs as a family to see what Santa had brought, and boy, he did not disappoint us this year!!  I hope that you boys realize how very fortunate that you are to be able to have the things that we do....but above all the things....I hope that you realize how fortunate that we are to be able to spend each and every day together as a family.  I know that as you grow up, you will hear stories of families that break up, and you will even have friends that have split families, but just know that mommy and daddy work as hard as we possibly can to make our family "work"...and I pray that is a gift that we can "give" you boys every Christmas for the rest of our lives.

Anyway, back to Santa Claus....He brought Jay an XBOX along with a couple of games.  Cody got a Wii game and a new toolbox.  And Riley pretty much had a "Matt Ryan Christmas".  He got a new jersey from Santa and a big fathead for his wall from Yaya.
After we saw what Santa brought us, we had breakfast and then got ready and went over to Grammy and Grampy's house to have Christmas with all of your cousins.  While we were there it started snowing!!  It was so pretty to watch the snow fall on Chrismas!  Then we came home and had dinner with Yaya and PawPaw.  Then the next night Papa, Miss Annette, Taylor, Joshua, and Zach came over for dinner.  What a wonderful Christmas we had to be able to spend it with everyone that we love.  Again, I can't tell you boys how very lucky you are to be able to spend not just Christmas, but everyday surrounded by people that love you!  I know that I am not going to take it for granted, and I pray that you don't either.  Your mommy and I love you boys more than anything else in the world, and just seeing your faces on Christmas mornings are the very best gifts that you could ever give to us.  I will always remember these Christmas' when you boys are little.  When you are a parent, there is just nothing better than seeing your children when they are happy...and I pray that you look back on Christmas' like this one and say that you boys were truly happy today.  I love you Daddy

Click here to view all of our Christmas pictures

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Jay's Christmas Party

Jay had his class Christmas party today.  Their 5th grade class put on a play, and of course, Jay was cast as Santa Claus.  Jay is always the first to volunteer for any kind of acting role.  He always stays "in character" no matter what role that he is playing.  Mommy and Yaya got to go watch Jay perform, and they both said that he was excellent in his role as Santa.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Idi - our little Ugandan son

Over a year ago, we made the decision as a family to "adopt" a little boy from Uganda.  What this "adoption" consists of is we give $25 per month to Helping Hands Ministry, and in return, we got to choose a child that this money goes to.  Helping Hands serves the less fortunate all over the world, but our church, Chestnut Mountain, has partnered with them to build churches in Uganda.  We chose to sponsor a little boy....surprise, surprise.  His name is Idi Makoma, and he is 10 years old.  We get to "communicate" with him a couple of times per year.  We get to send him letters and pictures, and about once per year we can send a backpack full of stuff (toys, hygeine items, books, etc) to him via Helping Hands.  In return, he sends us pictures of himself as well as letters.  Many of the kids in his country do not have food, clothes, mattresses....much less anything else.  Thousands of kids die in Uganda each year due to Malaria because they do not have mosquito nets to sleep under to keep them safe at night.  Our $25 provides these items to Idi.  It is really such a small price to pay to help protect the children of the world.  The boys love to get Idi's letters and pictures...they even refer to him as their brother.  I pray that this gives you boys some perspective as to how fortunate we are to live here where we don't have to worry so much about our survival, and I hope it teaches you a lesson to always reach out to help those in need.  That is what God commands us to do.

Monday, November 29, 2010

We Will Rock You!!

Boys, this is a funny video of the 3 of you singing "We Will Rock You", with Jay and Riley on vocals and Cody on the Coke Bottle.  A big shout out to Lego Rock Band for teaching my 6 year old the lyrics!!  Jay can actually sing a "speed version" of this song, where he sings the lyrics lightening fast.  Riley may be the only 6 year old that can sing the entire song, and Cody on the Coke Bottle just speaks for itself.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Riley's Matt Ryan Turkey

Riley was given an assignment from his teacher to make a turkey....but he had to "disguise" the turkey, so that the turkey wouldn't get cooked for Thanksgiving.  Riley disguised his turkey as Matt Ryan, the quarterback of the Atlanta Falcons.  That just fits Riley to a tee...everything in his world revolves around some kind of ball....and he LOVES Matt Ryan and the Falcons.  Riley and his mommy made this turkey, and they did a GREAT job!!  Riley also had to write a paper about it, and he said that his Matt Ryan turkey could get away because he was such a great runner and passer.  It was a great paper!  Great Job little man!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Jay's 11th Birthday

Today we celebrate the day that "Jennifer and Scott" became "Mommy and Daddy".  11 years ago today was without a doubt one of the happiest days in the life of our family.  I will never forget the overwhelming love and joy that I felt to hold MY baby for the very first time.  It is so amazing that you can have unconditional love for your baby the very second that you meet him.  Jay makes it so easy to love him, though.  Jay, I am so very proud of the young man that you are.  You have such a good heart....a heart full of love for others.  I know that sometimes that we focus on the things that you don't do so well....but I promise that we are going to do a better job on focusing on your strengths.....the goodness that you have inside of you.  I love you so much, and I thank God that he picked me to be your Daddy.  You truly are a blessing to everyone around you!  Happy Birthday, son!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

Boys, this Halloween was so fun!  Jay decided that he wanted to be "Jason" from the Friday the 13th movies.  He got a hockey mask and a bloody knife that was pretty cool.  Cody and Riley both decided that they wanted to be Ninjas. Mommy took you boys over to Grammy and Grampy's house to trick or treat with your cousins.  I was soooo sick, that I didn't even go with you guys this year.  We have pictures every year of you boys and your cousins in your Halloween costumes on Grammy's porch swing.  They are so funny to look at and see how little you all were.  Now you are all growing up!!  Just love you boys!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mommy's 36th birthday!

Happy birthday today to Mommy!!  Boys, I hope and pray that one day you will look back on your childhood and see just how much love that your mother has for each of you.  She is so self-less.  She puts my needs and your needs so far ahead of hers...from the largest thing to the very smallest.  I cannot even begin to tell you how much that she truly loves being your was what God made her to be.  He put her in our lives because He knew that we needed her, and I thank Him for it. 
Jay, you wrote the sweetest thing in mommy's birthday said that there would be an empty spot in your heart if Mommy wasn't sweet!  Hopefully, one day you boys will realize how much of a sacrifice that we made to allow mommy to stay at home with you and not have to send you to daycare or a babysitter.  She wanted to raise her on boys, so we made it happen....but that came with a price...but seeing the young men that you are growing into, it was well worth it!  Happy Birthday, Mommy!  Thank you for all that you do for all of us!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Western Day at Jay's school

Today was Western Day at Jay's school.  As you can see, Jay and Jen dressed the part.  They each had cowboy hats.  Jen had a bandanna and boots, and Jay had a western shirt.  This week, Jay was on the news at his school.  He is one of the students that was picked to make announcements (Lunch menu, weather, etc).  This morning, he started by saying "Howdy Partners, welcome to the Wild West Jackson Intermediate School.  He really loves being in front of the camera.  Everybody says that is his element.  They finished up the night with a "Western" dance.  Jay rode a mechanical bull a couple of times.  He said that the first ride, he stayed on for 17 seconds, and the second ride, he stayed on for 22 seconds.  He seemed to have a lot of fun.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fall Sports 2010

  Boys, we are having so much fun playing fall sports this year.  Jay and Cody are playing football, and Riley is playing baseball.  Jay and Cody's teams are both called the Red Panthers, and Riley is playing for the Braves.  We are having to either go to a practice or a game just about every night....sometimes more than one.  But, it is so much fun seeing you boys playing ball and having fun.
  Jay is playing offensive line...either right guard or left tackle.  You are just about the biggest boy on your team, so you can really open up some holes for your running backs to run through.  Your coach, Chris Giroux, has commented many times about how good of a blocker that you are.  This is your 3rd year of playing tackle football, and you have really came a long way from where you were last year.  You have made tremendous improvement.  Mom and I are so proud of you!
  Cody is playing linebacker for his team, and he is also the backup center.  This is your first year of ever playing football, but you have caught on really well.  You are making tackles and bringing the other team's runners down to the ground.  You have some very intense coaches, Barry Vickery and Butch Wilson, and they don't take no slack from any of you boys.  Your team is really good!  Mom and I are very proud of you, too!

  Riley is playing pitcher for his team.  He is one of the youngest players on the team, but he can hold his own with most of them.  You are hitting and fielding the ball very well.  You LOVE to play ball....doesn't really matter what kind of ball it is, you just love it, and EVERYBODY sees it.  You are by far our most competitive little boy.  You just don't love to play, you love to win!  We are so proud of you, too!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Labor Day "Camping" Trip

Boys, every Labor Day, Grammy's family goes camping for 3 days up in the mountains between Hayesville, NC and Franklin, NC.  This year, we went up for a few hours on Saturday.  I guess that this was our first "camping" trip....even though we didn't stay overnight.  They had about 7 or 8 tents set up at their campsite, and they had a big fire pit going.  They were right on the riverbank as well.  The water was so cold that I put one foot in it and got right back out, but it wasn't too cold for you boys!  You guys went right in it and had a blast.  You skipped rocks, floated in tubes, and did all kinds of crazy stuff in the river.  You put marshmallows on the ends of some long sticks and roasted them over the fire.

I was talking to Grammy's daddy...everybody calls him Paw Paw.  He said that his family used to own the land that they were camping on, and he told me a lot of the stories about how they used to run around and play on it when he was a boy.  He said that there was an old mine up there right beside the land and that there were said to be someone's body buried up in that mine.  I think that he's told that story before to scare the younger kids.  He told me about seeing bears and cougars roaming around that area before, too.

We had a good time for the few hours that we spent up there...especially Cody, I think.  Maybe we will do the "camping" thing again one day soon.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Football in the rain!

Cody, today you had football practice, and it was pouring down rain.  At first, mommy and I didn't even think that your team was even going to practice, but then we heard from some of your teammates that said that practice was ON!!  We got to the field and it was POURING down rain...there were HUGE puddles everywhere on the field.  It was your very first practice with full pads on...upto this point, you had just practiced in your helmet and shoulder pads.  But, today, you guys started hitting!!  Everyone was a little but scared to put that first hit on somebody...including you.  But, I believe that you will pick it up pretty quick.  When practice was over, there was not a dry spot on were soaking wet!!  You were covered in grass and mud!  We stopped at Wendys on the way home to get you some earned it this morning!!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Grammy & Grampys vow renewal

Boys, today we went to Grammy and Grampy's renewal of their wedding vows.  They have been married for over 39 years and had the renewal on the 40th anniversary of their very first date.  They got married when Grammy was 14 years old. All of our family from mommy's side was there, and everybody commented on how handsome and how big the 3 of you were.  They had the vow renewal at Zion Hill Baptist Church in Gainesville.  Mommy got Grammy a shadowbox and put her original wedding dress in it.

Boys, marriage is one of the toughest things that you will ever experience, but is also one of the most rewarding.  I can't explain to you how great it is to know that I have someone like your mom that loves me unconditionally.  To know that I have someone like your mom that is going to be by my side for the rest of my life is such blessing for me...and for you boys.  Marriage takes a lot of work from both the husband and the is not easy at all.  Like everything else, it has it's ups and downs.  The trick is to love each other unconditionally and to respect and honor each other.  Treat your wives better than yourself.  I'm positive that Grammy and Grampy would tell you that their 40 years of marriage have had it's tough stretches, but they would also tell you that they would do it again with each other tomorrow.

My parents divorced when I was in college (after they had been married for over 20 years).  Mommy's parents were never even married at all.  Both of us have made a commitment to God, to each other, and to you boys that the word "divorce" is not even going to be in our vocabulary.  We promise that we will do whatever is necessary to keep us all together as a family for the rest of our lives.  We both love you so much, and we hope that we are setting good examples for what a husband and a wife and a daddy and a mommy should be for you boys.

I pray that each of you find a woman that makes you as happy as your mom has made me.  I pray that each of you find a spouse that will love you unconditionally, and one that will stand by your side for the rest of your lives....but unlike Grammy, you don't need to find a spouse when you are 14!!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Home Depot Kids Workshop

This morning I took Cody and Riley to The Home Depot's kids workshop.  They have it the first Saturday of every month, and the kids get to make some type of craft, usually with wood, hammers, nails, glue, etc.  It gets them to using tools and is a great way for me to get to spend time with them.  I was trying to think of way to get to spend time with Cody, since he didn't want to do the Falcons Training Camp with us last weekend.  This was right up Cody's alley.  He and Riley both had a blast.  They got a kids Home Depot apron just like their employees wear, and they got a pin to put on it.  The craft today was a divided pencil holder with stickers that made it look like a school bus.  The pin that they got for their apron was a picture of the school bus.  I guess that the pin changes each month to match whatever craft is being made.  I believe that we will make it a point to go back and do this again on the the first Saturday of each month.  We really had a blast!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

1st day of school!!

1st day of school today!!!  Hard to believe that our babies that were 5, 2, and 1 years old just a little while ago are now 5th, 2nd, and 1st graders!!  You all woke up this morning excited to go to school...I wonder how long that's going to last??  All three of you had on your Atlanta Braves gear for "opening day"....and you looked cool!!  We are very proud of you boys!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Falcons Training Camp

Jay and Riley with Freddie the Falcon

Falcons owner, Arthur Blank

Took Jay and Riley to the Atlanta Falcons Training Camp today at their complex in Flowery Branch.  I have been wanting to go for a couple of years now, but it just hadn't worked out where we could go.  It was so much fun!!  There were tons of people there, too.  It is so nice to have something like this so close to the house.  We watched them practice for a long time...we saw all the players close up...Matt Ryan, Michael Turner, Roddy White, Tony Gonzalez, Michael Jenkins, Curtis Lofton, Sean Weatherspoon.  We waited after the practice and got autographs from some of the players, too.  The boys really liked this part.  We got Roddy's autograph.  Jay saw Arthur Blank, the owner of the Falcons, signing autographs, so we went over and got his autograph also.  GREAT MORNING!!  I wish Cody would have went with us, though! He decided to hang out with Mama and go to work at the church with her.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tooth # 2

Well, after waiting 6 years and 3 months to lose his first tooth, Riley only had to wait 9 more days to lose his 2nd one.  Now he loves to stick his tongue in the gap that his teeth have left.  He is so funny!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Riley lost a tooth!!!

Finally, after waiting "so long", Riley lost his first tooth.  He had been wiggling and wiggling it for weeks, and it finally came out!  He was a big boy when I pulled it.  He didn't even cry!  The tooth fairy left him $2 under his pillow here and $5 at Yaya's house!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tossing Watermelons

  Boys, whenever we buy a watermelon from the store, one of our favorite pastimes is to take the watermelon rind and go throw it somewhere.  Across the road from our house were some lots that just had the basements poured....perfect for watermelon tossing!!!  

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Swimming at Aunt Jackies

One of the boys favorite things to do in the summer is to go swimming at Aunt Jackie's house....even though they can go swimming anytime at the pool in our subdivision.  I guess they just love to jump off of the diving board, as evidenced in this video.  Oh, and they get to eat watermelon outside and spit the seeds off of her deck, too.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day 2010

I love being a daddy to my boys!  Nothing in this world has ever made me feel so complete!  From thesmallest thing to the largest, it is an amazing feeling to know that God has trusted me and Jen to raise 3 of His children.  With that, though, is a huge responsibility that I do not take lightly.  I could not ask for a better life or a better family.  I'm so blessed!  I love you, boys.  Thank you for giving me the giftof fatherhood!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Stone Mountain Lasershow

We took the boys to see the Lasershow at Stone Mtn tonight!  Had a good time, but it seemed like the lasershow hasn't been updated since I was a kid.  We took balls and frisbees and threw them on the lawn, and the boys had a blast!  We stopped and ate at the Varsity on the way down (Yaya's choice), and of course, there was the mandatory light up stuff that we had to buy.  Fun night with the boys!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Jay's 1st fishing trip

Well, after years of asking me to "take him fishing", I finally gave in today.  Jay's Sunday School class took a fishing trip today to Fort Yargo State Park in Winder, GA.  Roger Stover and Kevin Herndon are Jay's teachers, and I got to come along as well.  We had 7 fourth graders that came on the trip.  Only a couple actually caught some fish, but we all had a good time.  Jay fed the fish a couple of worms and crickets, but he didn't get any fish out of the water....but it was still a fun day.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Riley's Kindergarten Awards

Riley made it through Kindergarten without pulling a single stick.  His teachers, Mrs Van Wie and Mrs McKinnon fell completely in love with him.  As you can see in the video, when Mrs Van Wie calls his name, she picks him up and gives him a great big hug!  Great job on a super kindergarten year, Riley!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers Day 2010

Yesterday was Mothers Day, and just had to take a few minutes to let yall know some things. 1st thing is that you boys and your Daddy always make me feel extra special on this day.....and I love that~ its not about THINGS its about the little things....Cody n Riley made handprints 4 me at school, and I cherish them so much because I know that in no time your hands wont be that small...infact I know that in no time they will be bigger then mine.  Riley also drew me a picture and wrote everyones names...another thing 2 be along with your handprint changes so fast. Cody wrote a list of why he loves me...and I know that list will change as he grows...Jay made a jar at school of the 10 reasons he loves me....and his number one was because I take him to church and teach him about GOD....and I hope that always remains number one on his list. On all your lists... Because all the other stuff I do as your Mom does not matter as much as that ONE thing. As your Dad would say..the rest is all gravy.  While the other things are important...and I have been known to go overboard on some things....NONE are as important as taking you to church and teaching you about GOD......SHOWING you HIM thru every thing I say and do.  I pray for you boys all the time...with you...while you sleep, when you are at school, on the way home after I drop yall off in the mornings, washing clothes...just random times....quiet times, I pray for the present and for your futures. I pray about the biggest the smallest things....Things I have no control over and things I THINK I have control of:)  Being yalls Mom is the only thing in life that I ever wanted to was truly what I was put on earth for.  And even though there are days when I feel that I have failed yall....I still try my hardest. And thats just it...I will ALWAYS try my hardest....give my ALL to the 3 of you. God has given me the honor and privelage of being your Mom.  And everyday I thank HIM for that. I love Baughboys~

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Riley recording himself

I started viewing the recordings that Riley had made on his IPOD, and this was one of the better ones.  Riley is pretty much calling out everybody!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Jay's day at Talullah Falls Gorge

Yesterday, Jay and I went on a trip with his Sunday School class to Talullah Falls Gorge State Park in north GA.  It was a great day!! We had about 9 or 10 kids from his class that went with us.  We rode the church bus, and we had pizza and candy bars on the way up.  We got there and we looked at all the exhibits in the welcome center, and we watched a little movie that told the history of the Gorge, and how they brought electricity to the mountain.  We also saw the video of George Walenda, the guy who walked across the gorge on a tightrope in 1970.  He stopped twice on his way acroos the tightrope to do headstands.....CRAZY!  After the movie, the fun started.  We walked over 600 steps down to the bottom of the gorge and saw 4 or 5 waterfalls.  It was really beautiful.  Then we walked the 600 steps back up to  the top and hiked the trail back around to the welcome center.  Needless to say, Jay-man was about wore out...and Daddy was, too.  We got back to the bus, had some snacks, and the boys played kickball in the big field for about 30 minutes-1 hour.  Then we loaded up and came back home.  I truly enjoyed getting to spend the day with my big boy.  I love and appreciate the times that we get to have together.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Riley's Drumset - "You are my Girl"

Against her better judgement, Yaya bought Riley a drumset for his 6th birthday.  This video is Riley performing his first song, entitled "You are my girl".  We love it, Riley!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Riley's 6th Birthday!!

Happy 6th birthday to our "little man".  I can't believe that our baby is turning 6 years old!!  We celebrated with a party at Chuck E Cheese (hopefully this will be our last "rat" party).  We had a GA Bulldog Ice Cream Cake also.  Riley, we love you sooooo much and we are so proud of the little man that you are becoming!!  Happy Birthday, baby!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010

Well boys, here is our customary Easter picture taken on the swing on Grammy and Grampy's front porch.  We have been taking this same picture every year since you were babies.  We came over to Grammy's and had an easter egg hunt with all of your cousins.  You colored eggs and painted designs on them also.  We love you so much, and we love getting to celebrate with matter the occasion!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Spring Sports 2010

What a great time we had with the Spring Sports this year!!  It was the first time that all 3 of you boys each played a sport!  Jay played baseball for the Red Sox, Cody played soccer for the Fireants, and Riley played baseball for the Athletics.  Each of you did so well.  Jay hit the basball better this year than he ever had in the past.  He got a bunch of really good hits!  This was Cody's first year of soccer (if you don't count the time in NC where we signed him up, he got his uniform, and then cried when he had to go to he ended up quitting....but he wore his uniform for the next 6 months straight).  Cody did great!!  He even scored a goal in the 2nd game!  This was Riley's first year of baseball, too.  He played pitcher, and he looks like a natural player!!  Everybody comments about his batting stance.  He looks like he is going to knock the cover off the ball every time he comes up to bat!  We are very proud of all 3 of you boys!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Snowstorm of 2010

Well, it wasn't the "Storm of the Century", but it was the most snow that you boys have ever seen fall at one time.  It started snowing, it just kept on and on.  After it was over, there was about 4-5 inches on the ground, and oh my stars, did you boys have a good time playing in it.  You got your boogie boards and used them as sleds to ride down the hill in the backyard.  We even had Mommy out there sliding with us.  We had snowball fights and we built a couple of snowmen, too.  It was almost perfect snow to play ice...and it wasn't wet...just pretty snow.  You boys had a time in it, too.  I love playing in the snow with you.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Cody's 7th Birthday

Happy 7th Birthday to Cody-bug!!!  We are so proud of you, Cody!!!  We had you a party at the Rat Palace:  Chuck E Cheese, and you had a GA Bulldog Ice Cream Cake.  We are sooo proud of you.  I can't believe that  you are 7!!!  We love you buddy!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Cody's Hat Party

Cody, today was your Hat Party. You received your 15, 20, and 25 point AR buttons. We are so proud of you for reading as well as you do!!! We are especially proud of how well you are doing in your speech class!! Your speech teacher says that you work harder than any student that she has ever had, and it shows in your accomplishments! We love you so much!! Keep up the hard work!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Riley's Hat Party

Riley-man, we are so proud of you!! Mommy and Daddy got to go to your Awards Ceremony today...your Hat Party. You received your 125 and your 150 sight word button. You are reading so well...much better than an average kindergardner. The funny thing is how serious you take it. You want to be the have that drive in you to do it. After your ceremony today, I came over and picked you up and Mommy took our were so embarrassed that your Daddy picked you up and loved on you in front of your classmates. You are just tooooo cooool.....