Proverbs 22:6

We are fortunate enough to be blessed with 3 wonderful little boys: Jay, Cody, and Riley. We always say that we're not just raising boys, but we are raising husbands. This blog is for them.

Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers Day 2010

Yesterday was Mothers Day, and just had to take a few minutes to let yall know some things. 1st thing is that you boys and your Daddy always make me feel extra special on this day.....and I love that~ its not about THINGS its about the little things....Cody n Riley made handprints 4 me at school, and I cherish them so much because I know that in no time your hands wont be that small...infact I know that in no time they will be bigger then mine.  Riley also drew me a picture and wrote everyones names...another thing 2 be along with your handprint changes so fast. Cody wrote a list of why he loves me...and I know that list will change as he grows...Jay made a jar at school of the 10 reasons he loves me....and his number one was because I take him to church and teach him about GOD....and I hope that always remains number one on his list. On all your lists... Because all the other stuff I do as your Mom does not matter as much as that ONE thing. As your Dad would say..the rest is all gravy.  While the other things are important...and I have been known to go overboard on some things....NONE are as important as taking you to church and teaching you about GOD......SHOWING you HIM thru every thing I say and do.  I pray for you boys all the time...with you...while you sleep, when you are at school, on the way home after I drop yall off in the mornings, washing clothes...just random times....quiet times, I pray for the present and for your futures. I pray about the biggest the smallest things....Things I have no control over and things I THINK I have control of:)  Being yalls Mom is the only thing in life that I ever wanted to was truly what I was put on earth for.  And even though there are days when I feel that I have failed yall....I still try my hardest. And thats just it...I will ALWAYS try my hardest....give my ALL to the 3 of you. God has given me the honor and privelage of being your Mom.  And everyday I thank HIM for that. I love Baughboys~

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