Proverbs 22:6

We are fortunate enough to be blessed with 3 wonderful little boys: Jay, Cody, and Riley. We always say that we're not just raising boys, but we are raising husbands. This blog is for them.

Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day 2009

Boys, I continue to just be amazed that God has blessed me so much. I can promise you that I did not deserve the life that I have been given....I deserved so much less. I can honestly, without a shadow of a doubt, say that my life is a God-given gift. I am so honored and so proud to be your daddy. I take that responsibility more serious than just about anything in the world. God has entrusted your Mommy and I with your safety, and He has given us the responsibility of raising you. That responsibility is huge!! You 3 boys bring JOY to me...not happiness, not cheerfullness....JOY! Joy is so much better than happy....just think about it, you can be unhappy, but you cannot be unjoy. I love so much being your daddy...just the little things like sneaking off with Jay and getting a biscuit in the mornings, or putting Jay and Riley in bed and then fighting in the floor with Cody, or being Riley's tennis partner on the Wii. I love having secret handshakes with each of you. I am still in awe sometimes when I look at each of you and think that you are each a little piece of me. It just is an unbelieveable feeling to know that I have 3 best friends for the rest of my life. I love you, boys, and I pray that we have many more Father's Days to spend together. I pray that we can spend Father's Days with your children, and even your children's children. There is no greater feeling than being a daddy, and I thank all 3 of you for being the very best little boys in the world. I love you so much! Love, Daddy

Saturday, June 20, 2009

All Pro Dad Day at UGA

Boys, today we had us a boys day out. We went down to UGA to the Father and Kids Experience sponsored by All Pro Dad. APD is an organization that was founded by Tony Dungy, who was a Super Bowl winning coach in the NFL (He coached in Tampa Bay and in Indianapolis). He is a very strong Christian man and has very high moral values. He is a role model type man. He has always spoken highly of the father's role as the leader of his family, but after a tragedy in his own family, he is even more outspoken about it. He started All Pro Dad as a tool for fathers to become more involved in their childrens' lives. His website, , has a daily message that it emails out, and I have been getting it for a little over a month now. It has really impacted the way that I look at things as a father. All Pro Dad has now started sponsoring / hosting these Father and Kid Experiences throughout the country. Up until now, they had only been held at professional sports teams complexes. Today was the first one to be held at a college. Tony Dungy picked Mark Richt (another role model type man) and UGA to be the first college to host his event. The purpose of the event is to get dads and their kids out of the house and spending time together. They brought in football coaches from a local high school to conduct drills with us. They had inflatable jumpy things to play on, and we got us a lot of free stuff, too....balls, cups, coupons, etc. But, the main thing was us just getting together as men and doing "guy stuff". I am so looking forward to the day where you boys and me can just get up in the morning and do our "guy stuff" all day long. I love to just hang out with ya'll. But, I am a real fan of Tony Dungy, Mark Richt, and the whole All Pro Dad concept. Dads are the backbone of the family, and I pray that I can be the very best dad to you boys that I can be. I love you!

Click here to see our All-Pro Dad Day pictures

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

VBS 2009 - Crocodile Dock

Tonight ended our VBS at church this year. The theme was Crocodile Dock, and you boys had so much fun. Mommy was the crew leader in Riley's class, and Daddy worked outside at the Suprise Station. On night 1, you learned about Moses and the burning bush. Night 2 was about the 10 plagues, and night 3 was about Moses leading God's people out of Egypt and parting the Red Sea. You all liked the Surprise Station tonight because you got soaking wet!!! Mommy and Daddy are so blessed and so proud to have such wonderful boys as the 3 of you are.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Boys Weekend


Today Mommy, Aunt Van, Taylor, and Grammy left at about 5:30am to go to Florida to watch Aunt Kim's White Coat Ceremony, and they left us boys here at the house by ourselves. What fun!!! Already today I have gotten my first experience at cooking chocolate chip pancakes....and if I have to say so myself, they looked pretty good. We went swimming, but got ran off by a thunderstorm. You boys decided that you wanted to eat Chic Fil-A for dinner (excellent choice) we had chicken and ice cream. Then we decided that we wanted to pop some popcorn the old fashioned way...on the stove. So, we stopped by the store and got some popcorn and oil. We got back home, went swimming again, and then popped the corn. The 3 of you were AMAZED at watching the popcorn pop. It wasn't very good eating it, though, because we didn't get any seasoning for it. But, I think that, all in all, we boys have had an outstanding day....AND we get to do it all again tomorrow!! I love you, boys, and I am so blessed to be your Daddy.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Just because

Most of our other posts come from a special occaison or event in our life and that is why your Dad created this, but tonight I was catching up on my blogs and I looked up on the TV and saw your Daddys bible...and it moved me to tell you boys about how God is growing your Daddy.. Daddy gets up early every day for his drive to work(Atlanta) but, recently has started gettin up @ 5:30 to have some "quiet time" with God....reading his bible and praying. I dont know what he prays about/for or even what he is reading, but I do know this.....I know that He is growing in Gods word, you can see it IN him, I know that when he prays it is for us in some way, I can feel it. I know that God is planting a seed in him, and we will benefit from it. I know that the closer HE grows to Him, the closer WE will grow to Him. Before we had you boys he always would say that he hopes when yall get married that yall will choose him to be your best-man, and I know that you will.....cause in your lives he will always be your BEST MAN!! I know that each of you will be great Godly men, cause you will be led by one....and even if he sings too much and pops gum to loud....he loves the Lord, you boys and me.