Proverbs 22:6

We are fortunate enough to be blessed with 3 wonderful little boys: Jay, Cody, and Riley. We always say that we're not just raising boys, but we are raising husbands. This blog is for them.

Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Riley's 1st Falcons game

Riley has been waiting 10 years to get to go to the GA Dome to watch the Falcons play.  Today he finally got that chance.  We got tickets to see the Falcons play the Arizona Cardinals.  Both teams were in 1st place, so it had the makings of a pretty good game, and it did not disappoint.  The Falcons pretty much dominated from beginning to end.  They ended up winning 29-18.  We got to see Matt Ryan, Julio Jones (who set a career high with 189 receiving yards), and Devin Hester (he is REALLY fast).  Roddy White was hurt and did not play, but we did see him on the sidelines.  For Arizona, we saw Patrick Peterson and the Honey Badger.  Riley really wanted to see Larry Fitzgerald, but he was also injured and did not play. 
We had a pretty good time.  We got there a little early, so we threw a football for a little while in the parking lot.  Then we came in and walked around the dome.  We ended up at an ice cream stand.  I got a brownie ala mode, and Riley got a cherry Italian ice.  VERY Very good!  It was a very good day...cannot wait to do it again!

To see our Falcons game pics, click here

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Fernbank Museum of Natural History

I had always thought that Cody would enjoy going down to the Fernbank Museum in Atlanta.  I had went there on a school field trip when i was younger, and just knowing how much Cody likes that type of stuff, I knew that we would have a good time.  So, today when we were looking for something to do, I thought of Fernbank.  Off me and Cody went on our adventure.  Of course we had to stop at The Varsity on the way down to have lunch.  Cody tried one of the best onion rings in the world, but he was not too impressed.  Once we got to Fernbank, we were met by the biggest dinosaur skeleton that we had ever seen.  It was MASSIVE!  Crazy big....3 stories tall, too.  The museum had many dinosaur exhibits.  They also had an exhibit about the different parts of GA and what animals were native to each part.  Cody liked the exhibit on tested what you were afraid of.  And he also liked the exhibit on your had a bunch of illusions...and if you know Cody, that is right up his alley.  We finished it off by watching an IMAX movie about the Galapagos Islands, and then we also got to see people perform a Chinese Lion Dance.  All in all, it was a pretty good day for me and Codybug!

To see all of our Fernbank pictures, click here

Friday, November 14, 2014

Nerd Day

I'm not sure that words are necessary to describe this photo.  Today was nerd day at Riley's school, and he went all out with the glasses, bow tie, striped collared shirt, and even had a couple of pens in his pocket!  Oh, and don't forget the to have the nerd hair!  He is so funny.  He is the life of the party...always!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Jay's 15th birthday

Get off the highway, Jay is driving!!!  Happy birthday Jay!  I cannot believe that you are 15 years old today.  To me, you will always be the sweet little boy that loved to fall asleep on my chest....but let's to try to re-enact that anytime soon, please.  Seriously, over the past 3 years you have started changing from a little boy into a young man.  I could not ask for a better 15 year old than you.  You have grown so much just over the first part of your Freshman year of high school.  I think that band has helped you mature so much, and I'm so thankful that you found your love of music.  I think that it will take you wherever you wish to go with it.

For your birthday, we went and ate Japanese (your favorite)with Aunt Sue.  Of course, they had to call Japan and get extra rice shipped in for you to eat!  Mom took you to get your learner's license.  Your driving is still a in progress.  But we are working on it.  I love you buddy!

Click here to see Jay's birthday dinner pictures

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Zoo Atlanta

I finally convinced everyone to go to Zoo Atlanta today.  Apparently I'm the only one that enjoys going to the zoo...even though, I must say that by the end of the day, everyone seemed to have enjoyed themselves.  When we first walked in, the first animal we saw was the elephant.  It just so happened that it was taking a great BIG poop at the time we walked up...and when an elephant takes a poop, he takes a BIG one.  Then he peed enough pee to fill up a bathtub.  Needless to say, you boys were fascinated.  Then we ran to watch the gorillas get fed...that may have been the neatest thing that we saw all day.  They were throwing apples to gorillas from the top of the building, and the gorillas were catching them just like they were human.  Mom got freaked out...1 gorilla dropped it's apple on the ground, then picked it up and wiped the dirt off of it before it ate it.  We saw all the animals....monkeys, rhinos, giraffes, lions tigers, bears, SNAKES, and pandas.  The snake building freaked me out.....MY ANACONDA
don't want none of that!  We had a fun day, but it will probably be our last trip to the zoo for awhile.  I won't be able to convince you guys to go back anytime soon!

To see all of our Zoo Atlanta pics, click here!