Proverbs 22:6

We are fortunate enough to be blessed with 3 wonderful little boys: Jay, Cody, and Riley. We always say that we're not just raising boys, but we are raising husbands. This blog is for them.

Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Friday, April 6, 2012

Spring break day trip with the Rigdon's

Well boys, today was supposed to be our first overnight camping trip....we had been planning it for awhile, but the weather did not cooperate.  We had planned on going back up to Otto, NC and camping with the Rigdons, but the weather in NC was going to have a low in the 30' we decided to postpone our first overnight camping trip until it gets warmer.  Instead, we drove up to Franklin County and met the Rigdons at a hunting cabin that belongs to one of Chuck's friends.  The cabin sat on about 200 acres and had a big fishing pond out in front of was really pretty.  As soon as we got there, you boys took to fishing.  No sooner than Jay had his first line in the water, he had caught a fish.  All 3 of you caught fishes....probably 25-30 of them total.  Jay caught the biggest one....a bluegill.  But both Cody and Riley caught some big brim and bass.

After we fished, we just hung out.  You boys played ball and boardgames.  We grilled out some burgers and hot dogs, and just had a good time with good friends.  I hope that you boys remember days like today!

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