Proverbs 22:6

We are fortunate enough to be blessed with 3 wonderful little boys: Jay, Cody, and Riley. We always say that we're not just raising boys, but we are raising husbands. This blog is for them.

Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Cody's Baptism

Cody, today is a day that I will never forget!  What an honor and a blessing it was for your mom and I to get into the water with you and baptize you.  You made the decision on Easter Sunday this year to accept Jesus as your personal Savior.  When Pastor Jeff asked the question if anyone had made a decision, your hand went up without hesitation, and you walked down the aisle.  You were were not scared at all.  We were so very proud of you!  On your baptism day, we had tons of family and friends there to watch you.  Your whole Sunday School class came up and watched as well.  Also getting baptized today was one of your best friends, Jake Stinchcomb.  It is fun watching the two of you grow up together and getting to share this special day. Mom and I are so proud of the little boy that you are and the young man that you are becoming.  God truly blessed us when he chose us to be your parents!  We love you, Codybug!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Baughboys Battery

Baseball season has been a struggle so far as far as out team, the Timber Rattlers, is concerned.  We have a perfect record....we have lost them all so far.  But Cody and Riley have both played really well.  Cody has caught every pitch of every game.  What has impressed me the most is the fact that Cody has improved each and every game.  From the first game of having to chase nearly every ball, until now of him actually blocking the balls and making every effort to not let that ball get by him.  Riley has played 2nd base until tonight, and tonight he got his first shot on the mound.  He has been practicing pitching, and tonight he finally got his shot.  He walked the first batter, but then he settled down and started throwing strikes.  He did really well, considering it was his first time......well, except for that boy he hit between the shoulder blades!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Riley's 8th birthday party

We had a blast tonight for Riley's 8th birthday party.  He chose to go to Stars and Strikes.  We played Laser Tag, played in the arcade, and had pizza.  He had his friends Caleb Moore, Nick Blackledge, Ben Meadows, Peyton Rinker, and someone that I don't know his name with us.  We had such a good time!  Be sure to check out this video of Nick playing a video game!

Click here to see more pics from Riley's party

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

We took our annual Easter trip to Grammy and Grampy's house.  The kids colored eggs on the Easter has all of their signatures and all of their stains!  They had the annual egg hunt, and we took our annual family picture on the front porch swing!  Me and mama sure do have a great looking very proud of you boys!

Click here to see all of our Easter Pictures

Friday, April 6, 2012

Spring break day trip with the Rigdon's

Well boys, today was supposed to be our first overnight camping trip....we had been planning it for awhile, but the weather did not cooperate.  We had planned on going back up to Otto, NC and camping with the Rigdons, but the weather in NC was going to have a low in the 30' we decided to postpone our first overnight camping trip until it gets warmer.  Instead, we drove up to Franklin County and met the Rigdons at a hunting cabin that belongs to one of Chuck's friends.  The cabin sat on about 200 acres and had a big fishing pond out in front of was really pretty.  As soon as we got there, you boys took to fishing.  No sooner than Jay had his first line in the water, he had caught a fish.  All 3 of you caught fishes....probably 25-30 of them total.  Jay caught the biggest one....a bluegill.  But both Cody and Riley caught some big brim and bass.

After we fished, we just hung out.  You boys played ball and boardgames.  We grilled out some burgers and hot dogs, and just had a good time with good friends.  I hope that you boys remember days like today!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spring Break at Yaya's new house

For spring break this year, Mommy and the boys went to Yaya's new house in Sumter, SC for a few days. Yaya and Pawpaw finally sold their house in AR, and got to buy a new one in SC. The boys kept talking about how much they liked Yaya's big backyard! He highlight of the trip was the day trip to Myrtle Beach...yayas house is only just over an hour from the beach. Even though it was cool, it did not faze the boys....they played on the beach and in the ocean....hopefully next time, I can go with them!

Click here to see all of our Spring Break pictures at Yaya's house!