Proverbs 22:6

We are fortunate enough to be blessed with 3 wonderful little boys: Jay, Cody, and Riley. We always say that we're not just raising boys, but we are raising husbands. This blog is for them.

Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Riley's 7th Birthday

Wow!!  I can't believe that out BABY is 7 years old!!  It has gone by so quickly!  But, Riley, let me tell you that you make me smile everyday....from the way that you look at me with your snaggletooth mouth, to the way that you shake your booty when you dance and sing, to the way that you are continuously doing something wild and crazy.  God knew that you were the missing piece of our family 7 years ago, and he sent you to us to complete us.  I love you so are so much like me that it is crazy!!  We were driving down the road with the windows down today listening to 80's songs full blast, and you were singing out loud with little mini-me.  Yaya and PawPaw and Grammy and Grampy sent you  some money for your birthday, and mommy has been letting you check the mail everyday for the past 2 weeks.  You were sooo excited.  On your birthday, we had the big Easter egg hunt at our church.  There were over 1000 people there.  We hunted eggs and had hot dogs for lunch.  You played over at the baskeball goal for most of the morning.  Then, on your birthday night, me and you went to dinner at Zaxbys...your choice...and to the GA Force Arena Football game.  It was our first football game together.  We had great seats, and we had a blast.  We watched the players run out through the fire balls they shot up in the air.  And I got you a t-shirt....and the mandatory dippin dots.  We also shared a slice of pizza that you said was the best piece of pizza that you had ever had!  Love spending time with you buddy!  You make my heart happy!  I love you!
Riley decided to postpone his birthday party until the pool opened up this summer.  So, after the pool opened, Riley invited over 2 of his little "boy squad" friends, RJ and Nick, to spend the night.  We swam and had a UGA ice cream cake!!

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