Proverbs 22:6

We are fortunate enough to be blessed with 3 wonderful little boys: Jay, Cody, and Riley. We always say that we're not just raising boys, but we are raising husbands. This blog is for them.

Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Riley's Game Ball

Riley came to play today!!  Riley's and Cody's team played a double-header today, and both of the boys did very well.  Cody played an excellent catcher in the 2nd game and got a couple of hits.  Riley played left center and he was smokin in the field.  He did not let anything get past him, and I bet he had a dozen balls hit to him.  He played them just right each time.  Coach Tony awarded him with the game ball for today.  Riley was grinning from ear to ear.  After the game, they gave the boys lunch (Hot Dogs and chips) then Coach Tony treated the team to blizzards at the local DQ

Click here to view all the pictures from today's games

Friday, April 29, 2011

Riley's sound effects

Riley has so many talents....not really sure who this one comes from.  As you can see in the video, he has learned the art of the underarm poot.  He has also mastered the behind the knee "machine gun poot" as well.  I'm thinking that he and his mom practice this while I'm at work....

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Egg Toss

Boys, one of your favorite things to do is to throw stuff off the unfinished houses in our cul-de-sac.  It doesn't really matter what the "stuff" is, either.  Last summer I posted a video of you guys throwing watermelon rinds...tonight it was the leftover Easter eggs.  You were so excited when Mommy told you that you could go throw them.  Lucky for you, I took this video, so we could see it forever!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

What a great Easter we had!!  Today is such a special day, boys.  Today is the day that we get to celebrate the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross at Calvary.  He died so that we could live....and live for eternity.....and not be separated from our God that loves us more than you could ever imagine.  He paid the ultimate price for me, for you, for everyone.  I pray that you never lose sight of that sacrifice, and I pray that you grow up to fully understand it one day.  We get to celebrate the fact that Jesus conquered death when the stone was rolled away from his tomb, and the tomb was empty because Jesus had arose to his place at the right hand of God.  What an amazing love He has for us!!  I say all the time that I love each of you with all my heart, but even as much as I love you....and it's a is not even close to how much God loves you.

Today started with seeing what the Easter Bunny brought you boys last night.  Each of you got a basket with chocolate bunnies and the traditional Easter gift....the Whoopie Cushion.  Then we celebrated by going to church this morning.  You boys got to go up to the service with us.  We sang songs, and Pastor Jeff delivered a great message about Jesus' sacrifice.  Then we went to Grammy and Grampy's house...Grampy wasn't there because he was working up in Massachusetts.  We had lunch, and then we had our annual egg hunt with your cousins.  We had almost 400 eggs.  Cody found the prize egg with $20 in it.  He is the first Baughboy to ever get the prize egg.  Riley  got $6 in money eggs, and Jay got a bunch of candy eggs.  You boys played baseball and badminton with your cousins and had a great time.  I love to see you having fun with your family, and I'm so very proud of each of you!  Happy Easter, boys!

Click here to view our Easter 2011 pictures

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Riley's 7th Birthday

Wow!!  I can't believe that out BABY is 7 years old!!  It has gone by so quickly!  But, Riley, let me tell you that you make me smile everyday....from the way that you look at me with your snaggletooth mouth, to the way that you shake your booty when you dance and sing, to the way that you are continuously doing something wild and crazy.  God knew that you were the missing piece of our family 7 years ago, and he sent you to us to complete us.  I love you so are so much like me that it is crazy!!  We were driving down the road with the windows down today listening to 80's songs full blast, and you were singing out loud with little mini-me.  Yaya and PawPaw and Grammy and Grampy sent you  some money for your birthday, and mommy has been letting you check the mail everyday for the past 2 weeks.  You were sooo excited.  On your birthday, we had the big Easter egg hunt at our church.  There were over 1000 people there.  We hunted eggs and had hot dogs for lunch.  You played over at the baskeball goal for most of the morning.  Then, on your birthday night, me and you went to dinner at Zaxbys...your choice...and to the GA Force Arena Football game.  It was our first football game together.  We had great seats, and we had a blast.  We watched the players run out through the fire balls they shot up in the air.  And I got you a t-shirt....and the mandatory dippin dots.  We also shared a slice of pizza that you said was the best piece of pizza that you had ever had!  Love spending time with you buddy!  You make my heart happy!  I love you!
Riley decided to postpone his birthday party until the pool opened up this summer.  So, after the pool opened, Riley invited over 2 of his little "boy squad" friends, RJ and Nick, to spend the night.  We swam and had a UGA ice cream cake!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cody's Game Ball

Tonight Cody was awarded the game ball in only his 2nd baseball game ever.  They played a double header, and Cody played outstanding.  He played catcher the first game, and he looked like he had played there his whole life.  He was blocking balls, and throwing them back to the pitcher.  If there was a runner coming in from third, he was blocking the plate and making it harder for them to score.  The 2nd game, he played left field, and he made a great throw to 2nd base that got a runner out!!  He also hit the ball solid one good time on a line drive to the shortstop, but he caught it.  Still a rip, though!!  Great Job, Cody!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Spring Break "Camping" Trip

Well, boys, we finally decided to try out camping as a family on Spring Break this year.  Our friends, the Rigdons, invited us up to Otto, NC and the've ever seen  place that they camp each year.  They have a friend who owns 60 acres of land up there in the mountains, and it is absolutely gorgeous.  They have a wonderful little place to camp.  It has a cabin, a creek, a bridge, and just tons of stuff to do.  We decided to go up on Friday and spend the night...originally we were going to sleep in tents, but Mommy thought that it would be too cold.  The plan then changed to get a hotel room, but Daddy got sick and we came home Friday night instead.  Anyway, we went up early on Friday morning.  Cody and Riley immediately put on their swimming gear and hopped in the creek with Wesley Rigdon and the other kids.  Jay thought it was too cold....I agreed with Jay...that water was FREEZING!  Cody and Riley tubed down the creek, Jay spent some time fishing from the bridge, and we played badminton as well.  Mommy found the biggest marshmallows that you've ever seen, and we made smores over the campfire after the sun went down.  I think that we are going to try to go back on maybe Memorial Day and this time spend the night and get the full camping experience.  I know that you boys will enjoy it!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Gwinnett Braves with the Bagleys

Boys,  we decided to try to do some fun things with you towards the end of your Spring Break.  One of these fun things was to go to a Gwinnett Braves game.  We had went to a G Braves game a couple of years ago, and we really had we thought that we would try it again.  We invited our friends, the Bagleys, to go with us.  We had really good seats....just to the right of home plate.  We got to see the scouts from other teams use their radar guns to see how fast the pitchers were throwing.  It was opening night for the G Braves, and they pulled off a great 2-1 victory.  They also had a fireworks show at the end of the game that was really good!!