Proverbs 22:6

We are fortunate enough to be blessed with 3 wonderful little boys: Jay, Cody, and Riley. We always say that we're not just raising boys, but we are raising husbands. This blog is for them.

Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Sunday, November 29, 2009

GA Aquarium

Today, we went to the GA Aquarium with Aunt Melissa, Uncle Mark, Travis, and Macey.  It is the largest aquarium in the world!!  It was mommy and daddy's first time at it, but you boys had been once before with Yaya and PawPaw.  The whale sharks were MASSIVE!!  I'm glad that they couldn't get out of that tank!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day at Sell's Mill Park

Boys, we decided to take today and explore some of Jackson County that we had never seen.  Sell's Mill Park is not very far from the house, and we rode over there today.  They have a big waterfall that you see in the pictures.  We also took Biscuit, and I wish that I had gotten a picture of him in front of the "no pets" sign.  You boys had fun climbing on all the rocks and playing in the water!

Monday, November 9, 2009


Well, boys, we finally gave in and got us a pet. We had been waiting on getting you a dog until we thought that you were old enough to understand that having a pet is a responsibility to be shared by the whole family...not just mommy. A few weeks ago, we doggie-sat for Mrs Wyndie. We kept Bob while they went out of town. Bob is a great dog!! After Bob left and went back home, I started looking for us a doggie sort of like him. I wanted to get us a dog that was already house trained and one that would not shed a bunch of hair. I found us 3 year old Shih Tzu online and we went and picked him up this past weekend. His name is Biscuit, and so far he is a pretty good dog. When we got him, he was full of long, shaggy hair. The first thing we did was take him and get him cut and cleaned up. He was not used to getting a lot of attention, so he is still getting used to us. We are trying to teach him to play with balls and toys, but he hasn't really caught on yet....but if he hangs around here,then he's gonna have to step it up. He is mommy's shadow..he follows here everywhere. He stays underneath us when we are at the dinner table. He already knows that Cody is the one that makes the biggest messes, so he stays underneath him the most. I hope that we can get lots of love and enjoyment out of Biscuit. It has been a really long time since I've had a pet, but when I was a little boy, I enjoyed having a family dog. I love you, boys!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Jays 10th birthday

I dont even know how to start to tell you how much loving you and having you as my son has changed my life. Infact I feel like YOU gave me life......I remember the 1st night in the hospital....Daddy was beside me on a cot.....snoring away(we had labored all night the night before) you were in your bed, there was the 3 of us all lined up next to each other. And I remember thinking that I should move your bed cause it was near the door and our room was right outside the elevator(like someone was going to steal you) anyways I got out of bed(not an easy task) and moved your bed in between me and daddy. And I just stood there n looked at you...and it HIT me then....that you were ours....that I was your Mommy...that God choose us to raise you, to protect you, to guide and love you. In that moment , staring into your precious face I was overwhelmed and consumed with more Love then anything I had ever felt in my whole life. I felt whole and complete...I knew what it meant to say that you would die for somebody....and 10 years later as I look into your Baugh Blue eyes I still feel all those things I felt that night and more......I could have not SEEN then what I FEEL heart only held a glimpse of my love for you. You are the sweetest child ever.....your heart and love and compassion for people amazes me. Your spiritual maturity is a gift from God and I pray everyday that we guide you to use that in the very best way.....that we help you see HIS plan for your life. I know it is a amazing one and I am honored to be a part of it. I am blessed to be your Mom......this I know.....and I LOVE being your Mom....this I hope that YOU know..... You are outgrowing me are over 5ft weigh 115 lbs and your ring finger and wrists are already bigger then mine.....I can wear your shoes and am pretty sure that they will be too big for me in the next year. But, I know that no matter how big you get that you will always be my baby, my firstborn son....who loved to sleep on his Daddys chest and play with my hair(even put it between your boppy n face) like I told you...IF I close my heart can see your whole life. I love you Jay Tyler~ Love Mom

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Stone Mountain

Today we went to Stone Mountain Park. It was the first time that Cody and Riley had ever been, and only the 2nd time for Jay (we had taken him to the lasershow years before). We got to the park ad had some lunch at the Honeybaked Ham Restaurant (it was not good at all). Then the fun started. Our first stop was Sky Hike. It was a bunch of ropes, balance beams, etc way up in the air. Cody stopped after the first obstacle, and mom and him went back down to the ground. Me, Jay, and Riley stayed and finished the first level. Then we went to a smaller version and the boys climbed over obstacles and rode a zip line. Next we went to the Great Barn. There were hundreds of balls, and the boys gathered them up and fed them into air guns and shot them. There were also slides and rope ladders. THen we went to Journey to the Center of the Earth 4D movie. Vibrating seats and actual water splashing on us made it 4D. It was pretty good. THen came the REAL fun stuff. We rode the Ducks. The Ducks are buses that drive on the road and then run right into the water and drive like boats. We had the craziest driver who kept on singing funny songs and dancing during the whole trip. We all got duck whistles that made quacking sounds when you blew into them. Jay and Riley even got to go up and drive the Duck when we got in the water!!! The Ducks were a lot of fun!! After the Ducks, we walked over to the base of the mountain and got on the Sky Ride. It is a cable car that takes you to the very top of Stone Mountain...1683 feet above sea level. We walked all around on top of the rock and took lots of good could see all of the skyscrapers in Atlanta from the top of the mountain. After a while, we rode the cable car back to the bottom, and we finished out our day with a round of mini golf. It was a GREAT family day!! Just spending time with the boys when they are still young is truly a blessing. I hope that the boys had as much fun as I did today!!

Click here to see our Stone Mountain pictures