Proverbs 22:6

We are fortunate enough to be blessed with 3 wonderful little boys: Jay, Cody, and Riley. We always say that we're not just raising boys, but we are raising husbands. This blog is for them.

Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Monday, March 30, 2009

Ken Freeman

This past weekend was a tremendous one in the life of our family. Our church, Chestnut Mountain, invited Ken Freeman to speak on Thursday through Sunday. On Thursday night, Jay was supposed to have baseball practice, but it was pouring down rain and was cancelled. Mommy was supposed to keep the 4A nursery. As the kids kept arriving, they kept going into the the 4B and 4C rooms, and mommy ended up with no kids to watch. Ingrid told mommy to go ahead and go to the service. Well God laid out his plans for that night just perfetly, because when Ken Freeman gave the invitation and the end of the service, mommy knew that God was talking to her, and she invited Jesus into her heart on that night, March 26th, 2009. Since that night, God has worked through mommy, and mommy has led 2 of her friends to accept Jesus into their hearts as well. Mommy has a glow about her that I haven't seen in over 13 years. I am amazed at God's work in her. He really is real, and He really does have a plan for each of us. I cannot wait to see what He has in store for us next.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Harlem Globetrotters

Today we had us a boys day and went to the Gwinnett Center to see the Harlem Globetrotters. We had seen them on television awhile back, and ever since then, Jay had been asking to see them in person. So, since mommy was sick and needed some rest, I decided to give myself a boys day for my birthday. You 3 boys laughed and laughed and laughed. Your favorite parts were when the Globtrotters pulled down the other team's basketball shorts, and you could see their underwear. Riley loved the dancing and the music. Cody loved the confetti bucket that they threw on the people. Jay loved it all...he just kept on laughing. He already wants to go back and see them again. We ended the day with Bruster's Ice Cream. It was such a fun day! I love being ya'lls daddy!.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Happy 37th Birthday Daddy!!

Boys, thank you so much for giving me a great birthday "party" last night. Mommy has been sooo sick this week, and we decided not to go out anywhere to eat. We decided to ust stay in and spend my birthday together as a family, and I am so happy that we did. We rented "Igor" from On Demand, and and we piled up together on the couch to watch it. Cody and Riley lasted about 10 minutes with it before they were bored and wanted to do something else. We ordered pizza from Papa Johns, too. It was delicious! I honestly could not have asked for a better birthday!! Thank you boys for making me the luckiest daddy in the world!! I love you!!
Jen, I love you, too. You are the best!! I read something the other day that said, "some people are just put on earth to give life to others". I am so fortunate that God sent you to me, because you give me "life". I love you soo much! Thank you!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snow Day

Boys, what are horrible couple of weeks the past two have been. Jay has been out of school for 9 days with strep throat and the flu, Cody missed a couple of days of school with a fever, Riley has had a fever and runny nose for a week, Mommy has mono, and Daddy went to the dr today with strep throat. But, the good news is that everyone seems to be getting their strength back, and it is SNOWING today!! We got ya'll bundled up and took you out to play in it for just a few minutes. We figured that even though you have been sick,it hardly ever snows around here, so we didn't want ya'll to miss getting to play in it. The flakes are sooooo big. Jay tried to catch the snowflakes in his mouth. Cody and Riley made snowballs and tried to hit me with them. Mommy looked like a little snow bunny. Ya'll were so excited when it started to snow....Ya'll kept begging and begging to go out and play in it. I bet that your school gets called off tomorrow, so that means more fun in the snow!!! Love you!