Proverbs 22:6

We are fortunate enough to be blessed with 3 wonderful little boys: Jay, Cody, and Riley. We always say that we're not just raising boys, but we are raising husbands. This blog is for them.

Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Walker Stalker Con

For Jay's birthday this year, we decided to do something a little different than just having a party.  Jay is a HUGE fan of the tv show 'The Walking Dead', so when I heard the radio commercial about the Walker-Stalker Con coming to Atlanta, I knew that he would love it.  We took off this afternoon and headed to Atlanta.  We rode the Marta train to downtown and then got off and walked around.  The convention was held in the Peachtree Plaza (We rode the glass elevator to the top!), and it was crazy.  There were all kinds of people could even order your very own customized fangs!  We saw many of the stars of the show, but the highlight was getting and autograph and a picture made with Scott Wilson, the actor that plays Hershel on the show.  Jay was soooo upset when the Governor killed Herschel in season 4!!
After the Walker-Stalker Con, we decided to walk around Atlanta for a little while.  We went to Centennial Olympic park (I had never been), and we really enjoyed it.  I did not realize it was so big.  Then, we went to the World of Coca-Cola....of course our favorite part was tasting the Cokes from all over the world.  We saw the new Skywheel, and we saw where the new cable car system is going to be...all pretty neat.
We closed our day off with a trip to Ted's Montana Grill....what a treat!  We had Bison Burgers....and we LOVED them!  Jay said that it was the best burger that he had ever had.....and THAT right there is saying something!  It was a GREAT daddy / Jay day!

Click here to see more pictures from our day.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Playoff Victory!

Cody, today your football team did something that no one would have ever thought possible when the season guys won a playoff game.  Your team has pretty much been together for 3 years now.  The 2 previous years, you guys went winless.  This year, you were 4-3 going into the last week of the regular season, and we had to go to Winder-Barrow to play them (also 4-3) for a shot at the playoffs.  Well, you guys went into Winder, and you just dominated them the entire game.  You earned your way into the playoffs and a first round match against the Towns County Indians.  You guys prepared very hard all week for this game, and you came in and dominated this game also.  We are so proud of the way that you boys have played this year.  You have absolutely played to your full potential each game and not left anything on the field.  Your team has a saying that you chant at the end of your practices and says "clear eyes, full heart...can't lose".  You boys have made a bunch of people believe in you this year.  You have earned their respect.  They used to think that they could come to Jackson County and run over us and get a victory, but now when they come here, they know that they will have a fight on their hands!  Great job today!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Aunt Carolyn

Boys, today we had Aunt Carolyn's funeral.  She was mommy's Great Aunt....she was mommy's Grandmother's sister.  She had lived and worked in NYC for over 30 years, and when she retired in 2003, she moved down to GA to be close to her family.  A little over a month ago, she was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer, and she died earlier this week.  Every time that we would see her, she would always hug you boys and tell you that she loved you. 

This was the first funeral that you boys had ever attended.  Jay had asked mommy what went on at funerals, and mom said that there was usually a preacher and someone playing music.  Jay asked if he could play the piano at the funeral, and mom asked Grammy.  Everyone decided that it would be a great idea.  So, as the preacher was making his opening comments, Jay got up and went to the piano.  He played the song "Our God", and when he was done, everyone gave him a round of applause...right there during the funeral!!  Jay, I am certain that Aunt Carolyn would have loved to hear you play that song.  You really honored her today.

Aunt Carolyn never married or had any kids of her own.  She had requested to be buried in the same cemetery as her parents and her brothers in Spartanburg, SC.  So after the funeral, we all drove to SC for the burial.  It was really neat seeing the graves of your Great Great Grandparents, Chalmers and Evia Jones.  Your Great Great Uncles are also buried there.  The men had all served in the military, and it was neat to see their footstones.  The footstones showed their jobs that they were assigned, as well as the wars that they had served in.  They had served in WWI, WWII, The Korean War, and in Vietnam.  It was very awe-inspiring to see, and it is pretty neat to think that your relatives played a part on the history of the country like that.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Pool party at the Brown's

Tonight, Mr Eddie and Mrs Dee invited their Sunday School class over for a pool party!  They had pizza, cookie cake, and cupcakes.  We had a belly buster and back buster contest, and the boys played paddle ball and football in the pool.  They all had a great time.  All the boys love the Brown's.  Eddie and Dee pour so much into these boys. They truly treat them as if they are their own.  Boys, I'm very thankful that you have such wonderful people in your lives like Mr Eddie and Mrs Dee!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Jay's first piano recital

Today was Jay's first piano recital.  It was held at Jefferson Presbyterian Church.  You could look at Jay and tell that he was so excited to perform today.  He had worked hard for weeks practicing on his keyboard at home.  He picked the song "Our God" to perform. And it was the only Christian song in the program.  When it was his turn to play, he stepped up to the piano and hit every single note perfectly!  Mom was in tears because it was so good.  I just sat there thinking how in awe I was of how good Jay played.  I am so proud of you, Jay.  God has given you a gift of music, and I can just see you using that gift for Him one day.  We love you, and we are so proud of you.  You played awesome today!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Cody's 10th Birthday

Double Digits!  Happy 10th Birthday Cody!  Can't believe that my little mischievous boy turns 10 today!  We had your birthday party at Skate Country.  You had your friends Wesley Herndon, Derek Vaughn, Dane Zwimke, Wesley Rigdon, Sam Weaver, and Travis Hughson come to your party!  Ya'll really rocked it.  Mom and I are so very proud of the young man that you are turning into.  We love you so much!  Happy birthday, buddy!