Proverbs 22:6

We are fortunate enough to be blessed with 3 wonderful little boys: Jay, Cody, and Riley. We always say that we're not just raising boys, but we are raising husbands. This blog is for them.

Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Monday, October 29, 2012

Jay's first shave!

Well it almost took 13 years, but tonight Jay shaved for the very first time.  He was very hesitant, but he did great!  He has slowly but surely been getting some "peach fuzz" and he had a little 12 year old moustache....but we took care of it tonight! Shaving is one of my least favorite things to do...right up there with yardwork....but as a man, it is pretty much a neccessity.  I'm glad that I got to teach Jay this life lesson.  Love ya buddy!!  Hate to see you grow up so fast!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Moore's Both Hands Project

Jay and I had the great honor today of partnering with some friends of ours (Michael, Sara, Kelsey, Abby, Caleb, and Titus Moore) in helping them to bring home 3 little girls that they are adopting from Ethiopia.  They teamed up with the Both Hands Organization....One hand for the Orphan and One Hand for the Widow.  We had about 35 workers who got "sponsorships" to come and work at a widow's home and do some yard work, painting, tree trimming, etc....stuff that she did not have anyone to do for her.  All of the sponsorship money went to help the Moore's with the costs of bringing home their girls.  Jay and I were on the team that cleared the trees and stained her fence.  We had an amazing day!  What an honor it was for us to have a small part in helping our friends.

Here is a link to the Moore's Both Hands Video

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Amicalola Falls

Day # 2 of our Mini-Vacation was to Ellijay, GA to hike upto Amicalola Falls.  We started the day with a visit to your Great Grandaddy's house in Ellijay.  We visited with him and his wife, Alice, for a little while.  We don't get to see them very often, so it was good to get to see them today!  When we left their house, we stopped at Hillcrest Apple Orchards and got us some Apples, Pork Skins, Apple Fritters, and Apple doughnuts!  There was a TON of people there....people come from all over this time of year to pick apples and visit the orchards.  Then came the main attraction of the day.  We went to Amicalola State Park.  This is where the Appalachian Trail starts.  Mom had packed us all a big picnic lunch before we left home, so when we got to the park, we found us a picnic table and had lunch. Then we started our hike upto the Falls.  Mom and I figured that the hike was a couple of miles...going up was pretty tough, but it was fun...we stopped a few times for pictures on the rocks and trees, and finally made it to the base of the Falls.  It was very pretty....the trees were starting to turn, and it was just a little bit chilly.  The trip back down wasn't nearly as hard...we got back down and we threw the football and frisbee for a little while before coming home.  Another day of fun with a couple more to go!

Click here to see our pics from the hike upto the falls

Friday, October 12, 2012

Yellow River Game Ranch

Well, boys, we decided that since you had a "fall break" from school, that we would take a "fall break" as a family.  I took off from work and we took a few day trips just to get out of the house and to spend some time together as a family.  It started today with a trip to the Yellow River Game Ranch.  We have been there before, but not in a few years.   I love to come and see the animals.  They have tons of animals that are just out in the open that you can pet...and that will just eat out of your hands.  We especially love the bears....they have a pit that had 4 huge black bears that will just sit and catch peanuts as you throw them to them.  We could just do that all day!  They also have deer, squirrels, pigs, farm animals, buffalo, rabbits, etc. It was a very fun day....good to just get outside and hang out together....AND it was just the beginning of our  4 day weekend....lots more fun to come!  Oh check out the video of us feeding the bear!

Click here to see our pictures at the game ranch