Proverbs 22:6

We are fortunate enough to be blessed with 3 wonderful little boys: Jay, Cody, and Riley. We always say that we're not just raising boys, but we are raising husbands. This blog is for them.

Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Saturday, September 29, 2012

GA Tech game with Roger Stover

I told Jay that he was the luckiest little boy in the world today, because he gets to spend the day with Roger Stover.  Roger was one of Jay's Sunday School teachers for a few years, and he is one of the Godliest men that I know.  Roger has always taken a great interest in Jay, and Jay has loved being around Roger as well.  We told Jay that he should just be a sponge today and soak up everything that Mr. Roger told him today.  Roger picked up Jay early this morning, and they went on down to Atlanta and toured the GA Tech campus.  They went to the typical GA Tech fashion, they lost to Middle Tennessee State....and they finished up by eating at the Varsity...whaddayahave!  Jay came home with a GA Tech hat, but I think that he is still a Dawg at heart.  But Jay and Roger both had big smiles on their faces when they got back home....looks like they had a great time!

Monday, September 17, 2012


Today we welcomed your cousin, Brayden, into the world.  He was born this morning and weighed 7 lbs.  He reminded me so much of when Jay was born.  He has beautiful skin, just like Jay did.  You boys will get to see him soon, but I wanted to post a picture of him on her on his birthday.  Riley was so happy that he is no longer the baby...he has held that title for 8 years, and he was ready to give it up!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Riley's broken arm

Well boys, we went almost 13 years without any of you breaking any bones.  Today on the football field, Riley became the first Baughboy to break something....we always knew that he would be the first.  Riley was playing cornerback, and we were playing the West Hall Spartans 9U team.  They had a running back that was about twice Riley's size and he took the ball around the right edge.  Riley fought off his blocker and made a great solo tackle on the kid.  But as Riley tackled him, the boys knee came down on Riley's left elbow.  Riley immediately was hurt, but we did not know how bad it was.  We thought that he had just gotten the wind knocked out of him, but as his coach got to him, and screamed "bring the cart!!!"  I knew something was wrong....and I took off running.  Riley's elbow was dislocated, and Sonya Vaughn popped it back in place on the field.  We took Riley for x-rays, and they determined that he had a chipped bone in his elbow.  They took him out of activities for 2 weeks....I would say that those 2 weeks were some of the hardest of Riley's life so far....he hates not to be running around!

Click here to see the video

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Impact Wrestling

We had a boys night tonight..because mommy refused to come with us!  Us boys went to watch Impact Wrestling at the GA Mountains Center in Gainesville.  I remember when I was younger, my friends and I used to put on our masks and get aisle seats and spit on the wrestlers as they walked down the aisle to and from the ring.  Well, there was no spitting involved, but the boys did get some high fives and hand slaps from a bunch of the wrestlers.  We saw Gainesvile, GA's own...the phenomenal AJ Styles....we saw Olympic gold champion Kurt Angle...and we saw the World Champion Austin Aries.  The boys loved every second of it.  Riley touched one of the women wrestlers, and he said that he would never wash his hands again....GROSS!  Maybe we can talk Mommy into coming next time!