Proverbs 22:6

We are fortunate enough to be blessed with 3 wonderful little boys: Jay, Cody, and Riley. We always say that we're not just raising boys, but we are raising husbands. This blog is for them.

Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

Well, boys, we took our annual Halloween trip to Grammy and Grampys house.  We have been going up there on Halloween since Jay was old enough to trick-or-treat. They have the best neighborhood to trick-or-treat in!  They close off the entrance, and it looks like something out of a movie or something.  There are literally thousands of kids that are out on the streets trick-or-treating.  The only bad part is that the folks that own the houses only give out 1 small piece of candy because they have so many kids coming by their house.  Like always, you walked around with all of your cousins and had a blast!  Jay was a referee this year...complete with a whistle.  Cody was a UGA football player...again!  And Riley was a zombie...Riley's costume had his guts exposed, and he had a pump in his hand that when he squeezed it, it looked like his heart was beating through his costume...pretty gross!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

CMC Fall Fest 2011

This year, our church held it's 1st Fall Festival for our children.  We had a great turnout.  There were 18 different stations...from wheelbarrow racing, to pumpkin tosses, to horseback rides....and all the kids had a great time!  We had an open fire-pit where kids could roast marshmallows and hot dogs as well.  Riley, you and your friend Nick Blackledge  hung out together and went around to all the stations.  Cody, you hung out with Jake Stinchcomb and Seth Miller, and you boys had a blast!  Jay, since you moved up to the youth group this year, you did not get to participate in the events, but you helped out by keeping the kids in line over at the horseback rides with Mr. Roger and Mrs Shari Stover.  They both said how big of a helper you were today!  I'm so glad that we get to do things like we did today with our church family.  I'm so proud of the 3 of you boys, and I cannot wait to see how God is going to use you and work in your lives!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Jaemor Farms

Boys, we did not get to do anything over your fall break from school because of football and everyone was fighting colds, so we decided to bring ya'll to Jaemor Farms today.  Yaya and Paw Paw came with us, too!  Jay had come with the youth group from church a few weeks ago, and he really enjoyed it.  We thought that  Cody and Riley would like it, too.  We started with the 9 acre corn maze.  We got about 1 acre into it, and Riley was ready to come out!  Cody loved it, and he could have stayed in it all day long.  You have absolutely no idea how big the corn maze is until you get in it.  And you can go in so many wrong directions!!!  Then we went and had lunch at the BBQ place there.  After lunch, we went and let you boys do the water pump duck races, and the apple launchers....shooting apples at an old school bus!  We also took a hayride that took us back into the orchards with the apple and peach trees.  I told mommy that when I was a little boy, my grandparents owned a produce stand, and we would come up to these very orchards and pick the peaches right off of the trees.  It was so much fun to be able to spend the day with you boys and have fun like this!  I hope that you always remember days like today!

Click here to see more pictures from our day at Jaemor Farms

Friday, October 7, 2011

Bullous Impetigo

This spot on Riley's cheek started out as just a little pink spot, then the next day it got bigger, then the next day it got bigger and blisters started popping up on it.  He went to Dr today, and the Dr called it Bullous Impetigo, a form of staph infection....ugh!!  Not good.  Not sure what caused it, but it looks rough, though.  He got some antibiotics today, so hopefully, it will be better soon.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fall Sports 2011

Boys, what fun we have had playing football this year.  It has been so hectic, but it has been fun, too.  All 3 of you played on 3 separate had practice 3 nights each the same 3 different locations!!  Sometimes it seemed like you boys outnumbered mommy and daddy, but somehow, someway, we made it work out.
Riley, you are playing for the 7 year old West Jackson Panthers.  It was your first year playing football, and  you act like you have been waiting your whole life to play.  You have played QB, RB and WR on offense...and Safety and CB on defense.  You had been begging to run the ball, and finally in week # 6 your coach let you run it.  Mom went to your game that day and she says that you ran for over 50 yards, and it was taking 4 or 5 players to bring you down.  I bet that you get the ball a bunch more times before your season is over!!  Great job on your first year of football, buddy!
Cody, you are playing for the 8 year old West Jackson Panthers.  You have found a natural position, I think.  You play center, and you just look like a center.  You and Jake Stinchcomb, who is the QB for your team, are a great little pair.  You guys practice your snaps on the sidelines during the games just like pro players do.  The first game of the year, you and Jake had a bunch of issues with the snaps, but since that game, you guys have worked hard and those issues have gone away!  You also have turned into a great little blocker.  I watch you after you snap the ball, and you are locked up on the guy that you are supposed to block.  There is no way that your guy is getting to your QB!  Great job, Cody!
Jay, you are playing for the 11 year old West Jackson Panthers.  At the first of the year, your coach had you playing defense, but in about the 3rd game, he moved you to your more natural position of offensive line.  This has, by far, been your best year of football.  You lock up on the guy that you are supposed to be blocking, and you move him out of the way.  The majority of the running plays that your team runs come right to the hold that you open up.  Jay, we are so proud of you.  This has been a tough year for you on the football field.  You have had to deal with other kids picking on you and cheap-shotting you.  You have handled it much better than we could have ever asked.  You took it, and took it, and took it until it was time not to take it any longer.  Finally, you had your fill, and you defended yourself.  And here is the part that makes me the proudest of you.  After you gave it back to those boys, we gave you the opportunity to quit football for the rest of the year, and you chose to finish it out.  That makes me so proud of you, Jay Baugh!  You are such a better / bigger man than I could have ever hoped that you would be.  I Love You, and I pray that you keep your selfless attitude as you grow into a man!  You are going to do great things one day!  Great job, Jay!
Without a doubt, the most fun day of the season was September 17....we played 3 games at the high school.  Cody was the captain for his team that day, and he got to go out before the game and do the coin toss and meet the referees.  Jay's team played North Hall, and Gigi was a cheerleader for the North Hall team.  Riley's team played North Hall, and Brady played for them.  It was so much fun having all of the family there that day watching all of you play ball and cheer.  It is so much fun watching you boys grow up!!
Click here to see more Fall Sports pictures of our boys!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

FCA Day at Jaemor Farms

Jay, I'm kicking myself for not snapping a picture, but today was a really fun day for you!  It was your first trip with the youth group at CMC.  We took 3 buses of youth up to Jaemor Farms for an FCA event.  They have this FCA day each year at Jaemor where a percentage of all the proceeds for the day goes to support the FCA.  You, and your friends Jack Weaver and Ben Bade hung out together tonight, and then they came back and spent the night at the house with you.  Jaemor has a lot of fun stuff, but when we got there, you guys went right into the 8 acre Corn Maze.  This year is was cut in a Johnny Appleseed design (that is a picture of the maze).  The funniest part of the night was when you guys got on the back side of the corn maze, and then Jack started feeling like he had to go to the bathroom.  You guys had to take off running through the corn maze in order for him to make it back.  Jaemor also had apple slingshots where you launched apples at an old school bus.  They had duck races, where you pumped water and tried to make your duck get to the end of the tube quicker than your opponent.  They have a market, too, that has fresh fruits and vegetables.  We went up to the market together and had homemade ice cream and pies.  It was fun to see you having so much fun with your friends.  I was so glad that I got to go with you guys tonight!