Proverbs 22:6

We are fortunate enough to be blessed with 3 wonderful little boys: Jay, Cody, and Riley. We always say that we're not just raising boys, but we are raising husbands. This blog is for them.

Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Monday, August 22, 2011

Jay's Layers of the Earth Project

It did not take long for Jay to get introduced to Middle School projects....less than 3 weeks, to be exact.  They had to make a model of the layers of the earth and then label the layers.  Jay and mommy worked together to complete this first project, and I have to say that they did an outstanding job!  They used the shell of a Bakugan case for the outer edge of the earth, then they used clay for each layer.  I hope that mommy put this model in a safe place so that we can use it again in about 3 years!!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Cody's Boosterthon Fun Run

Cody had his Boosterthon Fun Run today.  This is a fund raiser for the school.  They trick the kids to run laps by giving them prizes that cost about a dime.  The kids are supposed to get people to "sponsor" them based on how many laps they run / walk.  Cody ran like 30 laps, and he had a great time.  One of his best little friends, Sam Weaver, is in the picture with him.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Falcons Training Camp 2011

Boys, we were able to go back to the Falcons Training Camp in Flowery Branch again this year.  We came over here last year, and we had a blast, and you boys had asked if we could come back.  It is pretty fun just getting to spend this time hanging out with you boys.  We got us a Falcons football that is smooth on the top side of it so that the players can autograph it easier.  We watched the practice from up on the hill at the Falcons Complex.  We got to see the Falcons #1 draft pick this year, WR Julio Jones.  He is going to be a BEAST!  The Falcons traded up 21 spots in the draft to get him, and from the looks of him, it is going to be worth it.  He was making amazing catches.  After the practice, some of the players come over to the fans and sign autographs.  Today, most of the new draft picks were signing.  We got Jaquizz Rodgers, Akeem Dent, and Matt Bosher's autographs on our new football.  It was a very fun day!  Thank you boys for letting me be a part of it with you.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

1st Day of School 2011

Boys, today started another year of school.  It is the first time that the 3 of you will be in 3 different schools.  Jay starts Middle School today!!  6th Grade!!  Wow!  That is so hard to believe.  It is so exciting to see Jay grow and mature.  Nothing seems to be too much for him to handle.  The transition to Middle School has been much harder on Mommy and Daddy than it has on Jay.  He will have a locker for the first time, change classes, be in the Middle School band, and attempt to ride the bus!!  But I know that Jay is strong enough to handle it all.  Jay, you have succeeded in everything that you have done in school, and we fully expect that you will continue to succeed!
Cody starts 3rd Grade in the Intermediate School.  Cody, you have done so well in school also.  You are a natural leader.  Your friends look to you to take the lead, and your teachers do, too.  You are taking speech, and your speech teacher says that you are doing so well that you will not be in it much longer because you have worked so hard and done so well.  We could not be prouder of you, buddy!
Riley starts his final year in the Primary School....2nd Grade.  Riley, you will be the big man on campus this year.  We are so proud of you, and what you have accomplished in school so far!
We could not have asked for 3 better boys when it comes to school.  All 3 of you work so hard, that it makes it seem like school comes easy to you....but it really doesn' just make it look that way.  I pray that you all keep on working will pay off for you one day, I promise.  We love you all 3 very much!