Proverbs 22:6

We are fortunate enough to be blessed with 3 wonderful little boys: Jay, Cody, and Riley. We always say that we're not just raising boys, but we are raising husbands. This blog is for them.

Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Friday, March 11, 2011

Riley's class field trip to Mayfield Dairy

Today Riley's class got to take a filed trip to Mayfield Dairy.  Mayfield has a big facility right here in Braselton.  The kids got to milk cows and see how milk gets made.  Lots of fun.....I'm sure!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Finally a Snaggletooth!!

Well, the teeth that wouldn't budge finally gave up and let us pull them.  Riley had been working that 2nd front tooth for a couple of weeks now.  He went into the bathroom and pulled it himself.  He loves sticking his tongue through the big gap that is there now!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Jay's 5th Grade Talent Show

Today was Jay's 5th grade talent show, and what a talent that Jay has.  I have to say that I didn't even know that Jay was going to enter the talent show.  I guess that he just set his mind to it, and he did it.  He decided that his talent was singing, and he picked him a great song....."We Will Rock You" by Queen.  Apparntly there were some preliminary rounds at school, and the culmination was tonight at his school.  Jay was first to go, and I gave him some pointers before he got up there and sang.  I told him that he needed to get the crowd involved....and there was a BUNCH of people there.  He got up there, and he did not seem nervous at all.  He told the crowd that he was going to sing, and that he needed their help.  He said, "will you help me?".....then he said it louder, "WILL YOU HELP ME?"  The crowd shouted "YES"....and he was off.  We had downloaded the background music from ITUNES, and as the music started, Jay let the crowd in the BOOM BOOM CLAP that is goes along with the song.  Then when the time came to start singing, Jay didn't miss a word, and the crowd kept on boom boom clapping.  He did AWESOME!!  There were no judges for the talent show, but if there had been, Jay would have won going away.  There were no other performances by any of the other 5th graders that came close to his.  He was truly in his element tonight!!  I kept a very proud smile on my face all night long!  Way to go, JAY!!!  You ROCK!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

3 Amigos

Not really sure what this picture was taken for, but I just thought that it was a really good picture of Cody and 2 of his best friends, Sam Weaver and Wesley Rigdon.  These boys hang out together all the time, and are all 3 really good kids.   Usually they look all raggedy, but for some reason they had to dress up today, and stood still long enough for someone to snap a really good picture of the 3 of them together.  They clean up pretty stinkin good!